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8/10/2016 12:04 AM  #1

My 1965 Mustang Cobra Project

Hello everyone,
Here is a little history on my 1965 fastback I bought this car 3 years ago from the second owner. I live in Indio, California, When I first saw the car I thought how could someone not care for such a classic. To begin with we had a rain storm a couple days before I went to see the car the owners kids use to play on the car the roof looked like a swimming pool it was caved in. The car had so much trash on the inside of it I filled two 30 gallon trash cans. There it sat four completely rotted tires.
It looked like the owner tried to make rear flares using nothing but bondo unbelievable. Here are pictures of when I first saw the car next set of pics show what it looked like after it was soda blasted and the following shows the progress on the car. The majority of the body sheet metal as been replaced floor was solid but from the firewall forward was all replaced including the frame rails that were held to the body with nuts and bolts(really)


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