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12/14/2017 12:49 PM  #1

rally pack tacho , ideas for replacing

Hi all  ,
when i bought the rally pack for my 66 , i thought i was lucy to find one in working condition ...
but nothing to blame ... i bought on ebay used so , could happen .
i was googoling around to fix the problem and i found some good solution , but expensive so ....
i would like to ask if somebody has try to replace only the core of tacho adapting something aftermarket ,keeping the old case . A sort of frankenstine with a working brain .
i have found one gauge that more or less has the size of the old one and i am thinking to try to swap the core.
anyway is not working.
someone has try something ?
ciao !


12/14/2017 1:13 PM  #2

Re: rally pack tacho , ideas for replacing

This guy does rally pack conversions.
I haven't personally used his services, but I've heard good things about him.


12/14/2017 1:47 PM  #3

Re: rally pack tacho , ideas for replacing

Michael H. wrote:

This guy does rally pack conversions.
I haven't personally used his services, but I've heard good things about him.

yes i know rocketman  ! I  i have send my ammeter to be converted to volt meter.
service is really really good !  i would like to find a cheap way to make it work .
thanks !

     Thread Starter

12/14/2017 3:03 PM  #4

Re: rally pack tacho , ideas for replacing

I fit a modern tac in my OEM housing.  The reason its blue is I used blue glass.  I replaced the clock with LED's to indicate different things in the car... more idiot lights.

If it isn't broken...modify it anyway!

12/15/2017 2:53 AM  #5

Re: rally pack tacho , ideas for replacing

Daze wrote:

I fit a modern tac in my OEM housing.  The reason its blue is I used blue glass.  I replaced the clock with LED's to indicate different things in the car... more idiot lights.

yes ! just like that !!!!

Please can you tell me which size of gauge you buy for this swap ? 
and how you conect it ?   i believe you havent use the pink wire , right ?   
thanks i like it  !   

     Thread Starter

12/15/2017 11:08 AM  #6

Re: rally pack tacho , ideas for replacing

Daze, I thought those were Speed Racer specialty buttons. Buttons for sweeping headlights, oscillating circular saws, automatic jacks on all four corners that can also be used for jumping over roadway obstacles, or quick conversion to amphibious mode. The Mach 5 was my first automotive love.

'66 Fastback since July 27, 1981. Springtime Yellow, originally a 200 cu in, 4 speed. Also a '92 LX Coupe, 5.0, 5 speed.

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