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1/05/2018 7:24 PM  #1

Strange Wiper Problem

I reinstalled the wiper transmission arms in my car yesterday.  They went right in without a problem, but when I crawled out from under the dash, the right side wiper mounting post was hitting the cowl (and had actually bent it a little bit) and the left side wiper post was also super close to the cowl. This is on a 64.5, so the chrome trim bezel is supposed to thread down on the wiper post, but I can't even get more than a couple of threads on them and there's not enough clearance between the posts and the cowl for the bezels to thread down into.

I took out and reinstalled the wiper mechanism 3 times and it is in correctly.  As far as I can tell, there is only one way it goes in, so I don't even think it's possible to install them incorrectly.

And the strange thing is that the both the cowl and the wiper mechanism are original to the car and fit perfectly before the car was disassembled and put on the rotisserie.  I am completely stumped as to why the wiper mechanism doesn't fit in the cowl properly know.  The car was put on a frame machine and straightened when the body work was done (it had front end damage from a minor accident years ago).  Is it possible that now that the body is straight, that the wiper mechanism doesn't fit?


1/06/2018 2:11 AM  #2

Re: Strange Wiper Problem

Hi , i have installed the wiper mont ago after the car come back from paint shop .
They go in without problem but not perfectly centered on cowl holes .
These are my two cents :  were not perfect at beginning and stretching the body wont help
But there is another point imo .  When you take it down the motor and mechanism were blocked at stop position last time you shutoff the wiper .
What i mean is when you take it off you might have "relaxed" the system and now  the mechanism is over extended  and motor without power is too hard to move .
Before you lock the bolts you can put someting between hole and pin and tighteen.

Hope it helps !


1/06/2018 3:29 PM  #3

Re: Strange Wiper Problem

Thanks, Alessandro.

I did manage to get the wipers sorted out. It turns out the new leather cowl gaskets were more than twice as thick as the originals and they were preventing everything from lining up properly. I took an exacto knife and cut them in half and everything went together like it should.

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