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11/26/2018 11:27 AM  #1

Dupree electric fuel pump

Anyone ever use one of these? I used one years ago and it worked great. I still have one in an old box of parts I dug out of the rafters. Does anyone know of a source for rebuild kits?


11/26/2018 4:06 PM  #2

Re: Dupree electric fuel pump

Pretty use they were built by Walbro.  If you have a model number do a Google search, and if they're available I'm sure parts will pop up. 


11/29/2018 5:13 AM  #3

Re: Dupree electric fuel pump

Thanks TKO, I Googled it but came up short. It's a model 807 and I can't find that model number listed. it's a 12 volt but I'd like to know the operating  psi. I'm gonna check it out and see if it works when I get a little garage time.

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11/29/2018 7:37 AM  #4

Re: Dupree electric fuel pump

Try contacting Walbro directly.  Here's their contact link:


11/29/2018 8:14 AM  #5

Re: Dupree electric fuel pump

Thanks again TKO. I have sent then and email requesting any info they might have about this model.

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11/29/2018 8:38 AM  #6

Re: Dupree electric fuel pump

Let me know how you make out. 


11/29/2018 8:46 AM  #7

Re: Dupree electric fuel pump

Well it was sure worth a shot but no dice
They got right back to me but said it was obsolete and no longer had any information on it. I just liked it's vintage looks, I had one on another car I owned in the late sixties and it performed well. I'll probably go with a Holley electric.

Last edited by _Jim_ (11/29/2018 8:48 AM)

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