Searched by dimensions on e bay. Once you start searching, eventually everything under the sun pops up.
I ordered two different ones from different sellers claiming the proper dimensions, and one the hole was too large, the other, fit the pin great but a side gap would show through the range of motion. So, these were my third try.
I also sent out emails to lares corp, and chock o stang, as both of them refurbish the early rams to ask them what part # they use, but I got crickets in return from both...and that's ok.
I also did a deep search to find out the original part # of the Ford part. I got that, but nothing came up anywhere when searching that number.
The tie rod boots were easy. Got ones that will fit using my measured dimensions on the first try from the company that I posted the original video from. The box even says Ford tie rod boots on it.
In an unrelated mess, I discovered my four door hardtop has the wrong idler arm on it. Somewhere in the past, a po put a manual arm on it, which is longer than a ps arm. Explains why it was so close to the crossmember. I am going to check the pitman arm as well by party#. Same deal. Manual are a tad longer than power. I'm sure I have both arms here. I have a couple extra boxes I picked up over the years. Plus the one Day sent when he went me the entire ps parts off his Galaxie. I will get it figured out.