Happy to help with the minor details. You were courageous to take on this task; for that I salute you. Great job incorporating the Bakersfield Mustang club, some great people and awesome cars. Very well done overall.
Just one story -
The Bakersfield Mustang club member who worked at the Santa Maria Ford dealership for 20 years said he was there when they got their first Mustang. This fella has a great car and he was an interesting conversation. He said to Zilik and to me that he was working in '64 when the dealership got one Mustang for the launch. Theirs was a Wimbledon white, plain Jane 6 cylinder. The sales guys put it in their showroom the evening before the launch. They took 30 orders (at a small dealership in a small town) that night, the day before the start sell.
Gary said Ford sold 20,000 Mustangs on day 1 and the Santa Maria "night before" story tells you about the level of excitement.
Last edited by RCodePaul (10/17/2024 4:14 PM)