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9/17/2017 4:13 PM  #1

Vent window instal

I'm kind of lost on this. I have installed all the bolts except one. The one that goes in the upper right side of the vent window. How is this installed all I see is a square hole


9/18/2017 8:56 PM  #2

Re: Vent window instal

I think the bolt you are talking about is the "pivot" bolt, for lack of a better name.  It's at the door window side of the vent frame and It's the one bolt that pulls the vent frame tight to the door shell.  As I recall, this bolt uses a notched, dished washer that is bigger than the square hole.
The other bolts, as you no doubt have determined, put the long end into the vent frame and the short end with the attached flat washer pushes back, toward the inside of the car, in the door shell.
With the first bolt snug but not tight, you can adjust the transverse and longitudinal, and forward/back position of the vent frame.  Once you get it where all is well you can tighten, but not over tighten, the first bolt.
If I forgot something...likely...maybe someone will chime in.

If you can't find those funny washers in your pile shoot me a PM.  I went through six doors to get our heap close and I'll be happy to do a little rooting...might even know right where to look.

Good luck.  Doors take time but the results are gratifying.  Don't give up or get in a hurry.


"you get what you pay for, good work isn't cheap, and there are NO free lunches...PERIOD!"

9/20/2017 8:09 PM  #3

Re: Vent window instal

Thanks bob, I'm going to look in my box of misc stuff and hope to find them. I'm just not sure of what they look like but I have an idea. I'll get back with you if can't find them

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9/24/2017 12:46 PM  #4

Re: Vent window instal

Well I could not dig them up, so being a machinist I made a couple of square nuts up. Worked out good. Thanks for the help though.

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