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5/21/2018 6:57 AM  #1

power steering return hose dont' fit

hello all , recently my old return hose decided to explode and i lost all the oil .... on saturday holydays....

I did some yards before i can stop the car in the hotel parking  and think about solution . 
i heard some noisy sounds from steering canister empty.... hope have not damaged it  too much . 
i choose to remove  the belt on power steering , and go home manually.
that's not too bad .... except when i got to do short move to park .
i ordered two different code from rockauto for the same return hose , that have steel pipe in different shapes .
threads are correct but no one fits correctly by the shape . 
both hit and scrath the pitman arm when i tilt on one side
the pressure hose seems more correct and also the way is routed seems matching the ensamble.
does someone teach me about that  ? 
i have a 66 mustang but am not sure if steering is coming from a 6 cyl  or comes original with the car.
for sure the old pipe are strange !  they comes very low on ground with a u turn and that make me think they are adapted ..

i got pics if needed 

help !!



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