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12/05/2019 6:22 PM  #1

Tips and How To pages

Am I the only one who feels this way?

Please, stop playing golf ⛳️ and add pictures to your tips!🤓


12/05/2019 10:13 PM  #2

Re: Tips and How To pages

Most of them had pictures originally, but PhotoBucket ate them. I have looked at mine and have planned to add the pictures back. The problem is that the pictures weren’t supposed to be evaporative because “this site” was hosting them, but it was using the PhotoBucket mechanism. So, even though the pictures were stored on the site’s server, PhotoBucket locked the format so the pictures would not render. My friends on the police force call this extortion.

Several of the forum members have loaded hundreds of pictures over the years, so it involves a bit more than putting the five iron down to reload the pictures. Plus, lots of us are wondering how stable the current photo format is. Loading pictures must be done one at a time, it is not possible to compile a file of photos and upload them to the Tips threads. 

I understand your frustration, I have felt it too. Just remember that this is a hobby.


12/06/2019 1:35 PM  #3

Re: Tips and How To pages

Hornman wrote:

The problem is that the pictures weren’t supposed to be evaporative because “this site” was hosting them, but it was using the PhotoBucket mechanism. So, even though the pictures were stored on the site’s server, PhotoBucket locked the format so the pictures would not render.

Not exactly correct from an IT-tech perspective, but as the result is the way it is it doesn't matter anyway.


12/07/2019 2:33 AM  #4

Re: Tips and How To pages

Nos681 wrote:

Am I the only one who feels this way?

Please, stop playing golf ⛳️ and add pictures to your tips!🤓      this are no more than 5 inch  before touch ground



12/07/2019 8:03 AM  #5

Re: Tips and How To pages

I’m sure everyone who has uploaded pictures are perhaps more frustrated than a person just reading the articles.
I figured that winter time might be good time for this “project “
I certainly can feel the pain of everyone’s hard work over the years to share their hard work and sweat and busted knuckles.

Kinda like loosing your term paper on the computer when the computer crashed.😂
Oh wait, I wrote mine the night before.😂

I definitely enjoy learning...about cars, modifications, and even mistakes to avoid.

Thanks Alessandro.  I did receive your PM.

Last edited by Nos681 (12/07/2019 8:13 AM)

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