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3/16/2020 12:17 PM  #1

Wuhan Virus Epidemic

No sugar coating, thats where it came from. Sars and the Spanish flu orginated in China, is there a pattern here?
 I live in the Niagara Peninsula, 715 square miles and  population about a million. We have 2 confirmed cases, but the system here is very well prepared and doing a good jof of keeping the numbers low, so far.
 The amount of vehiclular traffic in my city is markedly reduced, People are afraid to leave their homes. Schools colleges, libraries, casinos are all closed, workers are told to stay home and work from there.
 Our Prime Minister's wife has the virus, he himself is under self quarantine. No non residents are allowed into Canada except US citizens. It was recommended that Canadians not leave the country, if you do and get the virus you will not be allowed back.
  This could get very serious for us guys, we all have to be very vigilant in the coming months. It's not going away anytime in the near future, expert scientists are saying could be 4 months or more.
 Stay safe brothers.

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man

3/16/2020 10:12 PM  #2

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

In my personal opinion, and this has not been talked about on the news, but I believe that the Coronavirus/Covid19, which started in China, is a bio weapon that the Chinese developed, and it got away from them. JMHO. I don't believe that viruses this virulent and deadly just spontaneously happen in nature. I may be wrong, but why is it that these things - H1N1, SARS, Covid19 all start in China? Just something to think about.......

68 coupe - 351W, 4R70W, 9" 3.25 -- 65 convertible - 289 4v, C4, 8" 3.00

3/17/2020 6:41 AM  #3

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Consider that Japan ran a bioweapons program during WWII, mostly located in China.  They actually dropped bioweapons on Chinese villages to determine the best delivery methods and track the spread.  I've wondered almost since the start if this wasn't some leftover effect from that. 

A home brewed Chinese program doesn't seem any less plausible.

The other thing which occurred to me is that China doesn't have the same controls in place for genetic modification as the US and European countries.  The technology exists to modify a person's genome.  There are genetics compacts in place to prevent human experimentation and testing here and in Europe, but not in China.  Its estimated that several thousand people in China have already had their genomes edited.  The primary reason we and other countries have proceeded with such caution is concern about unknown side effects.  Creating a virus either on purpose, or by accident, is relatively simple compared to permanently changing a person's DNA.  The technology is amazing, and could literally cure about every disease we know, but at what cost? 


3/17/2020 11:18 AM  #4

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Ron68 wrote:

why is it that these things - H1N1, SARS, Covid19 all start in China?

Just might have sumpin to do with them Chinamen not killing then cooking critters.

Bob. 69 Mach 1, 393W, SMOD Toploader, Armstrong  steering, factory AC.

3/17/2020 12:44 PM  #5

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Author Dean Koontz wrote a novel called "The Eyes of Darkness," originally published in 1981, describing a killer virus that somewhat echoes the current coronavirus outbreak. In Wuhan China an RDNA lab, develops a bio-weaponized virus. The virus escapes lab containment (smuggled out) and spreads across the globe.
I've always enjoyed reading Koonz


If it ain't broke, I haven't modified it Yet

3/17/2020 2:03 PM  #6

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Knowledgeable scientists overwhelmingly agree that a virus like we have now can not be manufactured, but it is rampantly produced in science fiction.
Looks like people that eat weird $#it are solely responsible for this and others of the genre.
I’m dubious if Mother Nature intended for humans to consume Pangolin scales, ground up Rhino horns and tiger bones etc.

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man
     Thread Starter

3/17/2020 2:08 PM  #7

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Tubo wrote:

Author Dean Koontz wrote a novel called "The Eyes of Darkness," originally published in 1981, describing a killer virus that somewhat echoes the current coronavirus outbreak. In Wuhan China an RDNA lab, develops a bio-weaponized virus. The virus escapes lab containment (smuggled out) and spreads across the globe.
I've always enjoyed reading Koonz


Twilight Eyes was probably my favorite of his.  His work often gets overshadowed by Steven King's, but I always found his work superior. 


3/17/2020 2:17 PM  #8

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Rudi wrote:

Knowledgeable scientists overwhelmingly agree that a virus like we have now can not be manufactured, but it is rampantly produced in science fiction.
Looks like people that eat weird $#it are solely responsible for this and others of the genre.
I’m dubious if Mother Nature intended for humans to consume Pangolin scales, ground up Rhino horns and tiger bones etc.

Frankly as a bioweapon it would be considered pretty weak.  By the worst claims it has a mortality rate of less than 8%.  Not a very effective way to exterminate a population compared to something like bubonic plague, or even anthrax.  However, for creating terror and panic I think we can objectively say its pretty effective. 

In the end I think you have a very large, mostly captive population in China.  Genetic diversity is also not huge.  Mutations that cause new strains of viruses, just like all other genetic mutations, are most often the result of transcription errors when genetic material is copied for reproduction.  The more often its reproduced the more likely these errors become.  In a huge population, where their genetic receptor sites are mostly similar (ensuring maximum viral efficacy) such viruses are reproducing faster than anywhere else on earth.  Eventually there's an error that gives a new strain a competitive advantage and voila, COVID-19. 


3/17/2020 2:31 PM  #9

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

I'm not sure I believe the bio-weapon stuff as I feel this is simply the result of a hyper-connected world. Not hyper-connected by the Internet, but by the ease of travel and the difficulty of stopping said travel. What once would have been a regional (or even smaller depending on the point in history) issue is now the whole world's problem. This is simply a modern fact of life as we all pack closer and closer together and can travel so easily. I've always wanted a cabin on 100 acres in Montana, makes me want it even more...

Last edited by Raymond_B (3/17/2020 2:32 PM)


3/17/2020 3:18 PM  #10

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Raymond_B wrote:

I'm not sure I believe the bio-weapon stuff as I feel this is simply the result of a hyper-connected world. Not hyper-connected by the Internet, but by the ease of travel and the difficulty of stopping said travel. What once would have been a regional (or even smaller depending on the point in history) issue is now the whole world's problem. This is simply a modern fact of life as we all pack closer and closer together and can travel so easily. I've always wanted a cabin on 100 acres in Montana, makes me want it even more...

Me too but I wanted a full section of land with my house in the middle....


3/17/2020 4:01 PM  #11

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Raymond_B wrote:

I'm not sure I believe the bio-weapon stuff as I feel this is simply the result of a hyper-connected world. Not hyper-connected by the Internet, but by the ease of travel and the difficulty of stopping said travel. What once would have been a regional (or even smaller depending on the point in history) issue is now the whole world's problem. This is simply a modern fact of life as we all pack closer and closer together and can travel so easily. I've always wanted a cabin on 100 acres in Montana, makes me want it even more...

Agreed.  The biggest reason for the spread is that people don't even know they are sick for on average 5 days, sometimes as much as two weeks, and occasionally even longer.  That's FOREVER at the pace of life today.  You can travel halfway around the world in a day, unknowingly contaminating everything in your path. 

I too have often thought about that cabin in Montana.  I miss being able to just go target shoot off my deck anytime I want.  Used to be able to do that at a family compound on the Chesapeake when I was a kid. 


3/17/2020 4:16 PM  #12

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

I for sure am not a conspiracy thinking guy, although I have read to many books that paint this exact picture of the world we now live in. 

I was born in Montana and have always dreamed of 640 acres with my home smack dab in the middle. Those were a young man's dreams so I am now content with my 1 acre plot at 8500' msl. The gun range is 30 minutes away nestled amongst national  forest.

Now if I could only drive my Mustang. The snow has almost melted enough to get the mustang out of the shop, butt we are forecast for a foot of new "Mashed Potato" snow Wednesday into Thursday. Spring is in the air so the snow will melt fast.

Gary Zilik - Pine Junction, Colorado - 67 Coupe, 289-4V, T5

3/17/2020 4:49 PM  #13

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

The more you research it its the world we've always lived in.  Our modern understanding of pathogens and vaccinations had simply led us to believe its occurrence in our modern world was at best unlikely.  The first recorded plague pandemic hit in the 6th century (with recurrences until the 8th), the second in the 14th (with recurrences until the 17th), and the third in the 19th.  These were world altering events claiming millions of lives.

Even in the 14th century the world was connected enough that all of Europe and large portions of Asia were effected.  Today, with air travel and global commerce its probably amazing that this is all with which we've had to deal.  Compared to plague COVID-19 is basically a strong cold.  More virulent, though actually weaker than common rhinovirus. 


3/17/2020 9:26 PM  #14

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Raymond_B wrote:

I'm not sure I believe the bio-weapon stuff as I feel this is simply the result of a hyper-connected world...... but by the ease of travel and the difficulty of stopping said travel. What once would have been a regional (or even smaller depending on the point in history) issue is now the whole world's problem. This is simply a modern fact of life as we all pack closer and closer together and can travel so easily. ...

Take a read about the Spanish Flu of    1918 AND 1919!! Really interesting. More deaths than ALL of WWI....millions & millions. One the worst pandemics the world has ever encountered.. This was wayyyy before airlines changed the way we travel.

Speaking of good reads  Take a look at Robin Cook's books. He was a Dr. as well as an author. All kinds of tales about pandemics/viruses/plagues.....real uplifting during times such as these!!

Oh......during the quarantine  maybe catch the movie I Am Legend  with Will Smith. He was the last living human(well sorta) in New York City after a vaccine to cure cancer was RUSHED into production. Full of 'what-ifs'....

Get busy Liv'in or get busy Die'n....Host of the 2020 Bash at the Beach/The only Bash that got cancelled  )8

3/18/2020 6:11 AM  #15

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Exactly!  I am Legend was an update of a novel turned film called The Omega Man.  The original stared Charlton Heston, and was based on a book from '71 where the Cold War escalates into biowarfare.

I am Legend is a well done modern update of this tale, and its exactly what I was talking about.  Another doctor had created a cancer cure using genetic manipulation.  Its a retrovirus that mutates and starts either killing everyone, except for about 10% of the population who turn into basically vampires.  The last parts obviously fiction, but the concern about the mutation of viruses due to genetic modification is very real.

I have to say, its a great movie too.  Definitely worth a watch.  Its one of Will Smith's best performances, and Alice Braga plays a great hopeful counterpoint to Smith's frustrated anger at what's happened to the world and its cause. 


3/19/2020 6:34 AM  #16

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

It's certainly infecting the economy and world markets like a wrecking ball... What a mess...
And yes it did originate in China... Thanks China...

Last edited by Stevo (3/19/2020 6:35 AM)

1964-1/2 D Code Coupe - 289 V8, 4 Speed Toploader, 3.00 ratio rear, Autolite 4100 Carb, 15" tires, Pertronix ignition

3/19/2020 6:53 AM  #17

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Its time to be smarter than the market.  Let it bottom and buy in big.  Quality stocks are going to recover.  These situations are actually where fortunes are made.  You can't make big money in an up economy.  Is the stock market an actual reflection of the economy?  No, by no means.  Instead, people used this pandemic as an excuse for massive selloffs, taking their profits, and holding that money for future reinvestment.  Rest assured, when this thing is over the market it going to race to like 30,000 so fast it'll give you whiplash. 

Yeah, China.  Archaeologists have found plague in remains in China dating back before the first plague pandemic (6th century).  They can't say for 100% certain that it originated there (The Tian Shan mountains in China and a couple of the Stans), but it sure looks that way.  It seems it was brought to the near east and Europe by nomads.  So traveling by horse or Airbus it seems it might be in our best interest to avoid such contact...


3/20/2020 10:23 AM  #18

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Another up side of this the interest rates for a new home or to refinance are way low. I am planning a move in the real near future, That means I can afford a bigger place , more land and be able to build a shop. I am not going to be a negative nelly, things happen for reasons and we need to look at the silver lining on this.

65 coupe, 351w, c4, power disk brakes, power r&p, vintage air.

3/20/2020 10:24 AM  #19

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

Another up side of this the interest rates for a new home or to refinance are way low. I am planning a move in the real near future, That means I can afford a bigger place , more land and be able to build a shop. I am not going to be a negative nelly, things happen for reasons and we need to look at the silver lining on this.

65 coupe, 351w, c4, power disk brakes, power r&p, vintage air.

3/20/2020 2:54 PM  #20

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

The Black Death brought about the end of feudalism in Europe, and likely spurred the Renaissance.  Just sayin'...


3/20/2020 5:23 PM  #21

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

TKOPerformance wrote:

The Black Death brought about the end of feudalism in Europe, and likely spurred the Renaissance.  Just sayin'...

Yabutt...are we due for a Renaissance?

"you get what you pay for, good work isn't cheap, and there are NO free lunches...PERIOD!"

3/20/2020 6:07 PM  #22

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

No, but we are due for avoiding feudalism...

Well, socialism anyway, but same difference really...


3/20/2020 7:10 PM  #23

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

TKOPerformance wrote:

Its time to be smarter than the market.  Let it bottom and buy in big.  Quality stocks are going to recover.  These situations are actually where fortunes are made.  You can't make big money in an up economy.  Is the stock market an actual reflection of the economy?  No, by no means.  Instead, people used this pandemic as an excuse for massive selloffs, taking their profits, and holding that money for future reinvestment.  Rest assured, when this thing is over the market it going to race to like 30,000 so fast it'll give you whiplash. 

Yeah, China.  Archaeologists have found plague in remains in China dating back before the first plague pandemic (6th century).  They can't say for 100% certain that it originated there (The Tian Shan mountains in China and a couple of the Stans), but it sure looks that way.  It seems it was brought to the near east and Europe by nomads.  So traveling by horse or Airbus it seems it might be in our best interest to avoid such contact...

I've been wondering about the same thing TKO... when the market bottoms, I wonder how much of an investment is needed to make a tidy sum on the way back up...

1964-1/2 D Code Coupe - 289 V8, 4 Speed Toploader, 3.00 ratio rear, Autolite 4100 Carb, 15" tires, Pertronix ignition

3/20/2020 7:29 PM  #24

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

All depends on what the bottom is, and what you consider "tidy".  Two good examples are:

Caterpillar is down to like $95/share and was selling for almost $150/share earlier this year. 

Microsoft is down to $137, and was $187 in February. 

If I bought say $5,000 of each and they simply rebound to previous highs I'd walk away with $4,190 over my initial $10,000 investment.  At a cap gain tax rate of 20% I'd net $3,352 if I couldn't otherwise clean up the tax burden (taking a previous year's loss, etc. could potentially offset it). 

Now, my suspicion is that the bottom is a lot farther down.  In previous times of artificial deflation it wasn't uncommon to see stocks trading at half their previous highs.  Its just tough to say.  This is a speculative situation.  What I can say is that greed can ruin a good thing, so if you do decide to play the market, make hard and fast upper and lower limits and don't deviate.  I lost a big chunk of change one time not selling when I should have. 


3/20/2020 7:50 PM  #25

Re: Wuhan Virus Epidemic

William O'Neal...Investors Business Daily...preached, and probably still does if he's still around, that one should never take more than an 8% hit.  It drops 8% you get out.  He always reminded his readers that it takes a 100% rise to break even on a 50% drop.

"you get what you pay for, good work isn't cheap, and there are NO free lunches...PERIOD!"

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