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9/21/2021 9:57 AM  #1

How 'bout a lil sump'in different to look at?!!...........

I ripped-this-off from another site but pretty cool to look at.  I could REALLY get into one of these!  It was before they turned into HUGE land barges but still top shelf styling.
FoMoCo really had it going on  in the late 50's IMHO

Get busy Liv'in or get busy Die'n....Host of the 2020 Bash at the Beach/The only Bash that got cancelled  )8

9/21/2021 10:34 AM  #2

Re: How 'bout a lil sump'in different to look at?!!...........

Liked the late 50's bird and mid 60's. Didn't like the early 60's where the front came to a point. Nice looking 59 on face book up hear but the interior kinda has the look of a 70's Van.

If this forum can't fix it, it isn't broke.

9/21/2021 12:06 PM  #3

Re: How 'bout a lil sump'in different to look at?!!...........

It’s a 58 “square bird”. The year they went from a roadster to a four seater. Big jump in sales,  much to Fords loss competing against the vette.

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man

9/21/2021 12:17 PM  #4

Re: How 'bout a lil sump'in different to look at?!!...........

1968 T-code Coupe with a 302.  Nice car, no show stopper for sure, but I like it.

9/21/2021 12:18 PM  #5

Re: How 'bout a lil sump'in different to look at?!!...........

1968 T-code Coupe with a 302.  Nice car, no show stopper for sure, but I like it.

9/21/2021 1:59 PM  #6

Re: How 'bout a lil sump'in different to look at?!!...........

My dad had a '55 when I was a young kid.  He restored it.  White paint, removable hard top with the porthole window, and I think it was a 292 Y-block.  I know he had owned a Torino at one point too, which made 2 Fords for a man who was pretty die hard bowtie.  He had a litany of great Chevy muscle over the years,

Ultimately Ford didn't need the Bird to beat the Vette.  They used Shelby for that. 


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