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7/11/2023 5:05 PM  #1

Overnight guest

Had an overnight guest at the Koch B&B last night

67 Coupe, 5.0 EEC IV Fuel injected. T5, 3:70 rear

7/11/2023 5:48 PM  #2

Re: Overnight guest

He gets around, doesn’t he?

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.

7/11/2023 6:17 PM  #3

Re: Overnight guest

Inventory your silverware before he leaves.....


7/11/2023 8:15 PM  #4

Re: Overnight guest

Those guys havin' a mini-bash and didn't tell anyone....?

"you get what you pay for, good work isn't cheap, and there are NO free lunches...PERIOD!"

7/11/2023 11:30 PM  #5

Re: Overnight guest

What am I gonna do with silverware?
Doesn’t everyone use chopsticks?😜

Totally unplanned trip.
Death in family, cousin.
At least he finally has his “Independence Day.”
Was like a big brother not BIG BROTHER.

I even got a tour of the town by the Mayor himself.
Alan and Emily were great hosts too.

Last edited by Nos681 (7/11/2023 11:33 PM)


7/12/2023 5:33 AM  #6

Re: Overnight guest

I'm so sorry to hear of your cousin, Dan.  Jean and I are leaving Friday for SoCal...same kind of trip.  Safe travels, Bro.

"you get what you pay for, good work isn't cheap, and there are NO free lunches...PERIOD!"

7/14/2023 6:21 PM  #7

Re: Overnight guest

Home safely this evening.
Thanks again Alan for hospitality.

Round trip was just over 2700 miles.

Can’t wait to do this again in September in the 65.


7/15/2023 5:24 AM  #8

Re: Overnight guest

You are welcome to stop by anytime. We enjoyed the company.

67 Coupe, 5.0 EEC IV Fuel injected. T5, 3:70 rear
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