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4/18/2013 9:16 AM  #1

Just to let you know I am headed on vacation here in a couple of days.

Evelyn Aria, and I are going on a little vacation (Disney cruise in the Bahamas) I won't always have internet access so if you are trying to get ahold of me just know it may take me a few days to get back to you.

If it isn't broken...modify it anyway!

4/18/2013 9:53 AM  #2

Re: Just to let you know I am headed on vacation here in a couple of days.

Daze wrote:

Evelyn Aria, and I are going on a little vacation (Disney cruise in the Bahamas)I won't always have internet access so if you are trying to get ahold of me just know it may take me a few days to get back to you.

 Have fun, I hope it's not a Carnival Cruise!

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man

4/18/2013 12:29 PM  #3

Re: Just to let you know I am headed on vacation here in a couple of days.

josh-kebob wrote:

Daze, have fun.............where does your cruise leave?

We are leaving out of Port Canaveral 

If it isn't broken...modify it anyway!
     Thread Starter

4/18/2013 7:01 PM  #4

Re: Just to let you know I am headed on vacation here in a couple of days.

hope you have a GREAAAAT time!


4/19/2013 11:06 AM  #5

Re: Just to let you know I am headed on vacation here in a couple of days.

Daze wrote:

Evelyn Aria, and I are going on a little vacation (Disney cruise in the Bahamas) I won't always have internet access so if you are trying to get ahold of me just know it may take me a few days to get back to you.


we did a Disney cruise to the Bahamas a few years back. it was pretty good. food on the boat was good, and there was plenty of it. we had a cabin with a balcony. the shower sucked, way to small. i'm 6'2" or so and I had to just about kneel down to shower,lol.


4/19/2013 7:39 PM  #6

Re: Just to let you know I am headed on vacation here in a couple of days.

emeraldcoupe wrote:

 the shower sucked, way to small. i'm 6'2" or so and I had to just about kneel down to shower,lol.

I here you there!!  This will be our 4th Disney cruise and with my height being almost 6' 4" I know exactly what you are talking about.

If it isn't broken...modify it anyway!
     Thread Starter

5/01/2013 9:15 AM  #7

Re: Just to let you know I am headed on vacation here in a couple of days.

I'M BACK!!!!!!   had a great time.  good weather good food and overall a fantastic trip.

emeraldcoupe wrote:

the shower sucked, way to small. i'm 6'2" or so and I had to just about kneel down to shower,lol.

If you ever go again book it on one of their two newer ships.  the shower is a bit bigger, not a ton bigger but enough that there was no crouching requird.

If it isn't broken...modify it anyway!
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