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2/25/2014 3:28 PM  #1

To GAP or NOT TO GAP... THAT is the question

For 64-1/2 thru 66 owners only.
Does your car have a gap between the top of the fender and the cowl, where the vent slots are, or is it jammed up tight against the cowl with no gap at all?


Cowl to Fender gap... Do you have one?

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.

2/25/2014 5:34 PM  #2

Re: To GAP or NOT TO GAP... THAT is the question

I can only give you the measurements.  The two fenders are different.  The original fender that came with the car has no gap.  The repro that Calif Mustang gave me a slight rebate on after installation and painting varies from zero to about 1/4".

Original owner - 351w,T-5, 4whl disks, power R&P

2/25/2014 8:32 PM  #3

Re: To GAP or NOT TO GAP... THAT is the question

Mine has NO gap because I beat-it-that-way! Got sorta anal about fixing my gaps. I have spent days working on them.(they are both aftermarket so they bend pretty EZ!) 
The aftermarket driver door required  many swats with a BFH on a piece of 2X4 to "flatten it " to close gap on DLE. The pas door(I installed pre-anal days) is just plain worng and can't be made "perfect".
I made sure there was zero gap between cowl and fender AND fender edge goes UNDER the windsheild ss trim.
Sorry to get so long winded!

Get busy Liv'in or get busy Die'n....Host of the 2020 Bash at the Beach/The only Bash that got cancelled  )8

2/26/2014 7:28 AM  #4

Re: To GAP or NOT TO GAP... THAT is the question

Our's was very tight...probably a 1/16.  Butt (TS&T), with the new cowl and replacement OEM left fender, who knows what it'll want to do.  I prefer none or the least possible in that the rear cowl but, of course, without the seam seal.


"you get what you pay for, good work isn't cheap, and there are NO free lunches...PERIOD!"

2/27/2014 2:40 PM  #5

Re: To GAP or NOT TO GAP... THAT is the question

On my '66, there is a 1/8 gap. If it was less than that, it would make the gap between the hood and the fenders very close, if not rub against each other. I guess it depends on how much gap you want for the hood.  

Hosted Mustang Steve Birthday Bash 2009

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