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4/27/2014 8:19 PM  #1

Stalling Issue

'67 - 302 with a C-4. I recently had the A/C system charged up after changing the compressor & dryer. The A/C is working well but the engine sometimes stalls when stopping at a red light with the A/C on. I've bumped up the idle RPM a bit which helped but not totally. A mechanic(?) told me that I need to install an "A/C kickdown switch". I wonder why it used to work great without that switch and now I need one.
The car runs great and starts right up after it stalls but could the timing be off just a bit causing this? Thanks for any advice.  E. 


4/27/2014 9:09 PM  #2

Re: Stalling Issue

On most automatics, there's a thing on the carb called a dashpot that catches the linkage if you let off on the gas suddenly, and 'eases' it down to make sure you don't stall.  Maybe yours is maladjusted, missing, nor malfunctioning?

Not all cars have them, but they do make a difference; my old car seemed to care quite a bit whether it was there or not.  It was the difference between occasional stalls for no reason, and smooth operation.

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