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10/03/2014 9:21 AM  #1

Front / Rear rotor size

I am compiling all my parts for the 63 Falcon project, and the plans for the brakes are as follows:
  I have purchased the CSRP disc brake swap kit using the re-tooled spindles and Granada set-up.
  I am purchasing the power brake booster, and clutch set-up from MS.
  I am planning a Explorer 8.8 rear end swap as I have done for my 68 Mustang.
My question is, this set-up will give 11.06 front rotors, and 11.25 rear rotors, with the adjustable proportioning should this be ok, or are the larger rear rotor going to give me troubles?



10/04/2014 8:04 AM  #2

Re: Front / Rear rotor size

You're only talking about a difference of .019" between rotor sizes. You should be fine.


10/04/2014 3:32 PM  #3

Re: Front / Rear rotor size

Kar wrote:

My question is, this set-up will give 11.06 front rotors, and 11.25 rear rotors, with the adjustable proportioning should this be ok, or are the larger rear rotor going to give me troubles?

Those are big for rear rotors.  How about an adjustable proportioning valve?



10/04/2014 8:11 PM  #4

Re: Front / Rear rotor size

Ford pickups use larger rear rotors on some trucks.  Should not be a problem.  Adjustable prop valve might be a smart move if you will seriously dial it in.

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.

10/05/2014 7:44 AM  #5

Re: Front / Rear rotor size

Thanks Guys

     Thread Starter

10/05/2014 10:39 AM  #6

Re: Front / Rear rotor size

O lot of vehicles have bigger rear rotor OD because of the drum brake parking brake inside the rotor. They have correspondingly smaller pistons in the calipers to make up for it. A proportioning valve will do the same.


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