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2/27/2016 1:04 PM  #1

A Faster Horse

Just finished watching a movie called "A faster Horse".
A must for any Mustang enthusiast, it's all about the birth and development of our favourite car up till 2015.

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man

2/27/2016 6:31 PM  #2

Re: A Faster Horse

A link would be nice!


2/27/2016 7:10 PM  #3

Re: A Faster Horse

It's on Netflix.


2/27/2016 7:32 PM  #4

Re: A Faster Horse

It's a movie so no actual links , I got it on my Kodi box.

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man
     Thread Starter

2/27/2016 8:10 PM  #5

Re: A Faster Horse

Yup, watched it last week.  Definitely worth seeing. Interesting to see the behind the scenes R&D of the 2015.


2/29/2016 7:55 PM  #6

Re: A Faster Horse

Also watched and liked it, nice combo of old and new with the old Mustang projects veterans also interviewed in some new and old clips. Also like the fact on how they captured and explained that a Ford Mustang is something more than "just a car" and what importance that has to the people involved.

The movie made me think of how I through my daytime work met with a lot of poeple from different countries mostly here in Europe lately, but I'd never had to explain to anyone what my hobby is about.


3/01/2016 11:13 AM  #7

Re: A Faster Horse


3/01/2016 2:36 PM  #8

Re: A Faster Horse

I really enjoyed it. Pretty much a must see for any Mustang lover. Thanks for the posting.

Bob. 69 Mach 1, 393W, SMOD Toploader, Armstrong  steering, factory AC.

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