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6/23/2013 6:38 PM  #1

Saw Darren's 1997 4r70w trans post

New here but I love the info so far. Currently working on a 1967 vert. Putting in a 5.0 efi with some mods and a removable fiberglass top. I saw Darren's 1997 4r70w trans post and I would like to know if anyone has had success mating and 93 5.0 efi with a 4r70w trans? Will a AOD crossmember work? How about the kickdown connections? Any help would be great. 

Many thanks!


6/23/2013 8:41 PM  #2

Re: Saw Darren's 1997 4r70w trans post

thumperdud,  Welcome to the forum!  you need to repost this on the tech  discussion page, you will get better results!  Tubo on here has a 4R70W mated to a 331 and is somewhat an authority on this subject!!  there are several others on here who have 4Rs.  SOmeone will answer you just be patient!  
Myself I have an 82 AOD behind a carburated 87 302!


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