Garage Points: Definition

Posted by MS
4/13/2013 12:26 PM

All those extra Mustang parts sitting around collecting dust might be just the part that another Mustanger needs to get his car going. 

Whenever you give a part to someone else, it leaves a little more room in your garage so you can clean it up, or so you can haul home more treasure from the next swap meet.

So, whenever you GIVE one of those parts to someone else, award yourself ONE GARAGE POINT and post it here.  This is not to be able to brag, but to let the Mustang community know that we take care of each other... and get our garages cleaned out at the same time.

Points are GOLD POINTS if you convince them to take a part you know they DO NOT NEED and you get some garage space out of the deal.

It's all just tongue-in-cheek fun, but now we have a place to keep score. 

Make a new post every time - don't reply to an existing one unless you are just commenting on that particular post.

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.

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