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2/13/2016 11:03 PM  #1

Drilling holes for panel re-alignment?

So I've FINALLY got all of the 65 stripped, all panels as well aligned as I can, body work done (at least what I can before priming and blocking), and now I'm ready to prime.  I'm going to dissemble the car and paint the doors, fenders, hood, trunk lid, and valences separetely from the body.  I'm thinking of drilling 1/8" holes thru the hood and trunk hinges for re-alignment.  I've read about doing the same to the door hinges, but am not sure where to do it, or even if that will work w/ Mustang hinges.  I've also read about using a thin punch to instead knock a few dimples around the hinges.  Anyone have any advice?  What about the fenders?

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2/17/2016 7:32 AM  #2

Re: Drilling holes for panel re-alignment?

Drilling positioning holes is very helpful but not a perfect solution...I drill the fenders , hood hinges,trunk hinges,and Leave the door hinges on the body,even better on the last build i left the doors on the body....jj

"Never put a question mark where God put a period "  Richard Petty

2/17/2016 8:20 AM  #3

Re: Drilling holes for panel re-alignment?

I drilled everything with 1/8" holes when I did Cara's 65 coupe, because the car had perfectly aligned stuff on it before I took it apart.
On reassembly, I used 1/8" cotter pins in the holes and everything went back together without having to align anything. The loop in the end of the cotter pin makes it easy to pull them out.
Once the pins are pulled, dab some seam sealer in the holes and paint.

To drill the door hinges, first remove the fender.  Then you can easily drill the holes. 

Last edited by MS (2/17/2016 2:18 PM)

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.

2/21/2016 9:05 AM  #4

Re: Drilling holes for panel re-alignment?

MS wrote:

I drilled everything with 1/8" holes when I did Cara's 65 coupe, because the car had perfectly aligned stuff on it before I took it apart.
On reassembly, I used 1/8" cotter pins in the holes and everything went back together without having to align anything. The loop in the end of the cotter pin makes it easy to pull them out.
Once the pins are pulled, dab some seam sealer in the holes and paint.

To drill the door hinges, first remove the fender.  Then you can easily drill the holes. 

I drilled the door hinges on the body.  Did you also drill them on the door?

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