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4/21/2017 9:49 PM  #1

Damage from Colorado BASH is finally fixed. Picking up in morning.

The right fender had rock damage from the road where it popped the paint from underneath the fender. I will have a way to stop this soon.


4/22/2017 9:32 AM  #2

Re: Damage from Colorado BASH is finally fixed. Picking up in morning.

Looking good Mochaman. Might be a good time to use a Rinoliner-ish product on the underside of the fender.
I wonder how many Blue 1st gen 2+2's we can get in Fort Walton Beach for the October BASH??


If it ain't broke, I haven't modified it Yet

4/23/2017 6:09 AM  #3

Re: Damage from Colorado BASH is finally fixed. Picking up in morning.

Looks good . Still have not fixed mine yet. But I plan on having it done by the bash.


4/24/2017 11:22 AM  #4

Re: Damage from Colorado BASH is finally fixed. Picking up in morning.

Steve-G wrote:

Looks good . Still have not fixed mine yet. But I plan on having it done by the bash.

Really sorry that you guys picked up some damage coming to the Bash here.  In 2015 the great state of Texas fixed up what felt like a 12 inch "step" leaving the  27 to a rest area and I found it at about 40 mph.  I really expected to find some serious front end or other damage but managed to dodge that bullet...just don't know how.  I really watch 'em now.


"you get what you pay for, good work isn't cheap, and there are NO free lunches...PERIOD!"

4/26/2017 12:10 AM  #5

Re: Damage from Colorado BASH is finally fixed. Picking up in morning.

Oh man, you actually fix your road damage???

Guess I've been unkind to my car then. I've got chips out of the quarters in the corners of the "C" body line, about a million chips on the front valance, a spot of paint the size of a quarter missing on the hood, and some paint missing at the base of the sail inserts on both sides. And the windshield is now sporting two large cracks. Road rocks are no joke!

 And don't get me started on the rear valance, which is both missing paint and dented from an adventure in which I very abruptly jumped Jane off of a very tall 8" curb, and the right quarter, which is rippled from... well, another adventure.

Figure I'll need to paint my car every 5 or 6 years at this rate... 

"Calamity Jane" - Insane road warrior powered by hopes and dreams and piloted by an idiot.

4/26/2017 8:03 AM  #6

Re: Damage from Colorado BASH is finally fixed. Picking up in morning.

I picked up one of those roll up back packing sleep mats that is about 3/8 inch thick and fit pieces with contact cement inside the fenders. It is like the stuff the Shelby aluminum bodied Cobras came with back in the day.


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