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9/18/2017 5:43 PM  #1

Project bug

Been wanting to do a truck build. Bought a 2005 Crown Vic today. Already have a1970 F 250. Wanting to do the full frame swap.


9/18/2017 6:34 PM  #2

Re: Project bug

Steve-G wrote:

Been wanting to do a truck build. Bought a 2005 Crown Vic today. Already have a1970 F 250. Wanting to do the full frame swap.

What did you have to give for the Crown Vic and what will you do with the carcass once you pull the front end out of it?


9/19/2017 5:45 PM  #3

Re: Project bug

500 with no reverse. Scraping everything I don't need.

     Thread Starter

9/19/2017 8:05 PM  #4

Re: Project bug

Very cool swap! They are certainly the hot swap going on now. Plenty of you tube how to vids on it.  Good luck!

Bob. 69 Mach 1, 393W, SMOD Toploader, Armstrong  steering, factory AC.

9/19/2017 8:51 PM  #5

Re: Project bug

Steve-G wrote:

500 with no reverse. Scraping everything I don't need.

How will you scrap it considering it will no longer be rolling stock?



9/20/2017 5:19 AM  #6

Re: Project bug

Post some pics and progress of your build.


9/20/2017 6:18 AM  #7

Re: Project bug

boomyal wrote:

Steve-G wrote:

500 with no reverse. Scraping everything I don't need.

How will you scrap it considering it will no longer be rolling stock?


I once had a wrecker winch a old Plymouth Scamp with no wheels onto his flatbed, just threw a chain on it and dragged it on board.

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man

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