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1966 Mustang Coupe, 5.0 HO, T5z
I've had a couple of drops a day oil leak from the rear main seal since basically I owned the car. Unfortunately, when I did the T5 swap years ago I didn't have the forethought to replace the rear main seal as I assumed it was coming from the oil pan. After replacing the oil pan, gasket, and adding pan rails I still got the leak at the same block/tranny meeting that is classic of foxbody mustangs so I'm 99.999% it's the rear main seal.
I don't have a lift and I have a small garage. When I installed the tranny I used a small transmission jack and had to lift the car pretty high on cinder block stacks. I 'could' do this, but a shop should be able to drop the transmission and replace the seal in half a day with a lift and proper tools. Actual parts are less than $50, but this is labor intensive. How much should this cost? I only know of two reputable hot rod shops in the area. One has a shop our cost of $85/hour.
Yea I know I could take my time and do this myself but the whip will be down for a few weeks with the rack and pinion install. I don't want to risk something coming up and missing out on the spring/summer season.
I had it done on my 90 Mustang about twenty years ago. They charged $400 back then.
If your DIY option is to support the car on cinder blocks, I would say your decision to farm out the job is a sound decision.
I installed my T5 and subframe connectors with the car lifted on two stacks of cinder blocks in my one car garage. Got the job done but I won't do that again unless I had no choice.
If ever buy into a house with a 3 car garage a lift is definitely going in the budget.
With a 'tag' of Tremendous Wand ....you obviously have 'coconuts' to go with it!!!!
WE....could swap stories just how many things could go wrnog with cider block jack stands!!
(no need to beat-you-up 'cause I did it too!)
Do you have the old fashion rope seal or the one piece seal?
I think.....the rope seal it's "acceptable" to leak a couple drops-a-day.
Couple-drops-a-day??!,,,,,,,,"come-on-man"!! That's called marking-its-territory!
I'd try thicker oil!!.......You can buy A BUNCH of 30 or 40 weight oil for what a rear seal replacement will co$t.
According to what area in the US you live......under a grand would be a bargain.
Last edited by 6sally6 (2/08/2021 11:10 AM)
You are not alone for doing questionable things when it comes to safety. I can stand in that circle with you, but it wasn't from using cinder blocks to support the car. I've spent countless hours under a car on quality jack stands.
Have you checked the back of the intake to make sure it wasn't coming from there?
It's the rear main seal. It's an extremely common leak point with 5.0/302 engines. The main cost is in just dropping the transmission. Pretty much the same cost as replacing the clutch. Actual seal is less than $50 bucks but it's a good 5-6 hours job for any reputable shop.
There's nothing inherently wrong with supporting a car on cinder blocks, provided you use the blocks the way they were intended. The blocks must be placed so the you see the core holes looking down at the blocks, as that's how they are strong. Then you should place something atop the top block to distribute the weight across the entire blocks top surface (a piece of 2x8 or 2x10 works well). Where I see people potentially kill themselves is standing the block up on end, or with the core holes sideways. The blocks are NOT strong that way, and likely to fail and collapse.
Cost wise, $85/hr isn't really a bad shop rate anymore. Dealerships are north of $100, and even good local guys are charging $75-$100 anymore. Thee may be some regional variation to that, but around here that's what people pay.
I'd add checking the valve covers for the leak as well. Its not uncommon for them to leak and the oil to migrate down the rear of the block and look like a RMS leak. Oil moves all overt he place as you drive making leaks hard to pinpoint.
I'd invest in four large jack stands and a weekend of your own labor.
Once lifted and secure, the rest is easy. I did it in a gravel driveway back in the day...twas not phun, but I got it done.
Highly recommend you also purchase a mirco-sleeve and install tool for the crank. Install that before installing the new RMS....then you have no leaky....
You can do it....and save money
TKOPerformance wrote:
There's nothing inherently wrong with supporting a car on cinder blocks, provided you use the blocks the way they were intended. The blocks must be placed so the you see the core holes looking down at the blocks, as that's how they are strong. Then you should place something atop the top block to distribute the weight across the entire blocks top surface (a piece of 2x8 or 2x10 works well). Where I see people potentially kill themselves is standing the block up on end, or with the core holes sideways. The blocks are NOT strong that way, and likely to fail and collapse.
Cost wise, $85/hr isn't really a bad shop rate anymore. Dealerships are north of $100, and even good local guys are charging $75-$100 anymore. Thee may be some regional variation to that, but around here that's what people pay.
I'd add checking the valve covers for the leak as well. Its not uncommon for them to leak and the oil to migrate down the rear of the block and look like a RMS leak. Oil moves all overt he place as you drive making leaks hard to pinpoint.
Wash it real good with some sort of de-greaser and then use the proven MS method of leak locating...spray it with Jock-Itch and then follow the trail.
Bullet Bob wrote:
TKOPerformance wrote:
There's nothing inherently wrong with supporting a car on cinder blocks, provided you use the blocks the way they were intended. The blocks must be placed so the you see the core holes looking down at the blocks, as that's how they are strong. Then you should place something atop the top block to distribute the weight across the entire blocks top surface (a piece of 2x8 or 2x10 works well). Where I see people potentially kill themselves is standing the block up on end, or with the core holes sideways. The blocks are NOT strong that way, and likely to fail and collapse.
Cost wise, $85/hr isn't really a bad shop rate anymore. Dealerships are north of $100, and even good local guys are charging $75-$100 anymore. Thee may be some regional variation to that, but around here that's what people pay.
I'd add checking the valve covers for the leak as well. Its not uncommon for them to leak and the oil to migrate down the rear of the block and look like a RMS leak. Oil moves all overt he place as you drive making leaks hard to pinpoint.Wash it real good with some Brakleen (I love that stuff!).... and then use the proven MS method of leak locating...spray it with Jock-Itch and then follow the trail.
TKOPerformance wrote:
There's nothing inherently wrong with supporting a car on cinder blocks, provided you use the blocks the way they were intended. The blocks must be placed so the you see the core holes looking down at the blocks, as that's how they are strong. Then you should place something atop the top block to distribute the weight across the entire blocks top surface (a piece of 2x8 or 2x10 works well). Where I see people potentially kill themselves is standing the block up on end, or with the core holes sideways. The blocks are NOT strong that way, and likely to fail and collapse.
Cost wise, $85/hr isn't really a bad shop rate anymore. Dealerships are north of $100, and even good local guys are charging $75-$100 anymore. Thee may be some regional variation to that, but around here that's what people pay.
I'd add checking the valve covers for the leak as well. Its not uncommon for them to leak and the oil to migrate down the rear of the block and look like a RMS leak. Oil moves all overt he place as you drive making leaks hard to pinpoint.
I'm with TKO on this. I was sure I had a seal leak. Even looked at the back of the valve covers and saw nothing. It was at my mechanic's for something else and I had him put it up on the lift and change out the seal. He dutifully changed it, but told me afterwards that as long as it was torn apart he put a new one in. The old one was not leaking, it was the valve cover. He, too, thought the leak was at the seal.
As to cinder blocks. I have always feared supporting the car on anything that can crush or tip. Wood, too. Always use good quality jack stands. with wide bases. But now at my age, (i'm pushing 80?!?) I leave to my mechanic anything that requires getting under the car.
LC Steve: Buy a lift...you'll feel like you're only 70 again. I still giggle when I remember my old friend Ted (the machinist) who at the time was 94 or so saying, "you know, I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not 75 any longer."
Reminds me, reading other posts... that $400 seal job did NOT fix the actual problem that turned out to be a simple valve cover issue. Also could be rear intake manifold seal.
Bullet Bob wrote:
LC Steve: Buy a lift...you'll feel like you're only 70 again. I still giggle when I remember my old friend Ted (the machinist) who at the time was 94 or so saying, "you know, I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not 75 any longer."
Touche'. A lot of truth in what you say.
However, I get that feeling from a close friend whom I took to the ER on Saturday night. A couple of hours later I returned him home with a catheter & bag, and the admonition to get him an appointment with his urologist ASAP. He is 82.
Given the track record of HF jack stands I think I feel safer with cinder blocks...
Joking aside, definitely good jack stands are preferred over other methods. There were times when jack stands were not tall enough though. In those case I would stack wood under the stands. I kept some scrap 11-7/8" squares of LVL that are very, very tough for this.
If you've got the room for a lift, its the best $1,500 I ever spent on my shop. The reduction in time and wear and tear on your body is well, well worth it.
The question was about the cost to replace a rear main seal. Not, "I'm not sure where my oil leak is coming from". I'm not going to put together a documentary just to show that I know what the issue is. Other than the obvious, I'd also changed my valve covers and gaskets when I swapped heads as well as replaced the oil pan and oil pan gasket and added the oil pan rein enforcement rails. It's the rear main seal.
It's just a PITA job to drop a transmission w/o a proper lift, transmission jack, and garage. Not to mention it's about 40 degrees outside.
Looks like it's a 5 - 6 hour job from calling around. Shop hours cost vary.
I thought my rear main seal leak was leaking and like others have posted found out it was the rear of the intake manifold (passenger side). I cleaning the area w/alcohol and added RTV (several times) to finally stop the small leak. I'll also note that this didn't start leaking until after I had driven to car for quite some time.
Cinder, or cement blocks, be there done that. As a teenager, we changed the transmission on my father's 61 Galaxie with screw jacks and muscle. When I was a little older, I bought a hydraulic jack and jack stands. Much better.
BobE wrote:
I thought my rear main seal leak was leaking and like others have posted found out it was the rear of the intake manifold (passenger side). I cleaning the area w/alcohol and added RTV (several times) to finally stop the small leak. I'll also note that this didn't start leaking until after I had driven to car for quite some time.
Cinder, or cement blocks, be there done that. As a teenager, we changed the transmission on my father's 61 Galaxie with screw jacks and muscle. When I was a little older, I bought a hydraulic jack and jack stands. Much better.
The only place I've found that I have any kind of confidence in is 90 min away and a month out. Seems like $700 to $800 is what to expect. I don't have a problem doing the work or spending the moeny, it's just such a PITA and I know the car might be down for a few weeks.
Well if I do it myself at least I can spend the money I would have spent on labor on more tools.
Screw it. I'm going to do this myself. These shops make me paranoid. Even the good ones make me feel like I'm going to end up paying for an entire rebuild.
Money I'm saving on labor I'm going to go ahead and buy an aluminum drive shaft. Got to come out anyway when I drop the transmission. Might as well.
A little off-topic (sorta)..........Butt.......I can clearly remember when my Dad and I worked underneath our cars (regularly!) with just a BUMPER JACK and a brick behind the rear wheel!!
I THINK.....we had the wheels on the car sooooo we woulda just been slightly squashed . I guess that way we would have been invalids for years...instead of killed instantly!
On that same note......I also wondered how he could work and turn wrenches and have a Lucky Strike about 1/2" long between his lips!!
Were cars greasier back then too??! Seems like we would both be cover from our hands to our armpits with blackass grease. Even if we were just changing oil /or plugs!!
Anyhow.....is your seal a one piece or two piece rope seal....(you never said)....
TremendousWand wrote:
Screw it. I'm going to do this myself.
That's the ticket. As my dad used to say, what's the worst that can happen? If you wind up with a component that doesn't work, you had one before that didn't work. And you gained some education.
Bearing Bob wrote:
TremendousWand wrote:
Screw it. I'm going to do this myself.
That's the ticket. As my dad used to say, what's the worst that can happen? If you wind up with a component that doesn't work, you had one before that didn't work. And you gained some education.
Well said Bob
I just bought the seal, micro sleeve, and install tool from Amazoon for $47. Do check out some videos on installing that sleeve...it is very easy to wrinkle it and then it is guaranteed to leak. Prolly worser than what you have now. I stepped up and got two...just in case.
Last edited by Bullet Bob (2/10/2021 8:51 PM)
I did mine 2 times with 2 piece seal and it still leaked. What a PIA. I have a rack in my 69 and I had to drop it. Dropped the crank down to get the seal under the crank. After it leaked I said I would never do it again. If I rebuild or replace the engine that's when it will be fixed....LOL
Steve69 wrote:
I did mine 2 times with 2 piece seal and it still leaked. What a PIA. I have a rack in my 69 and I had to drop it. Dropped the crank down to get the seal under the crank. After it leaked I said I would never do it again. If I rebuild or replace the engine that's when it will be fixed....LOL
Yep!.....can buy A -LOT of oil for the 700-800 dollar repair build that may still leak afterwards.
Jus say'in
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