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Wanna borrow my snow chains?!!
I hear a whopper of a snow storm is on the way!!
Last edited by 6sally6 (3/12/2021 5:42 PM)
6sally6 wrote:
Wanna borrow my snow chains?!!
I hear a whopper of a snow storm is on the way!!
Gary don't bother with them...he's tough. I have sets for everything from the John Deer lawn tractor to the Mustang.
So, I guess a Colorado MINI BASH next weekend is out of the question?
I put the cains on the snow blower just in case we get over two feet.
MS wrote:
So, I guess a Colorado MINI BASH next weekend is out of the question?
Next weeK? No problem...it'll all be melted by then, except at Gary's place. Of course, you'll have to try to edumacate everyone on how to tune a pot to be happy at 11K feet. They all didn't do so hot last time, as I recall.
Seriously, I do like the idea though. May have to get serious about that later in the summer.
22" and counting.
RV6 wrote:
22" and counting.
We got almost that much, Gary.......2".
2" is what the average storm has deposited this year. Only one did I pull out the snowblower before this storm. Wanted more, but am happy with the result. We so desperately need the moisture.
RV6 wrote:
22" and counting.
Up here in Canada we call that a snow squall with a light dusting of accumulation ;)
Rudi wrote:
RV6 wrote:
22" and counting.
Up here in Canada we call that a snow squall with a light dusting of accumulation ;)
Awwwwwwwwww Rudi-Rudi-Rudi!!!
Rudi wrote:
RV6 wrote:
22" and counting.
Up here in Canada we call that a snow squall with a light dusting of accumulation ;)
We only got about 6" but it's warm enough (33°) that people are driving around with their windows down.
It is funny how temperature is relative and your body adjusts. Once temps hit the 30s around here, kids start wearing shorts to school. But if the temps dropped to the 50s in July, everyone would be complaining that they were freezing. A few years ago we got hit with the "Polar Vortex" and it was really cold- like single digit daytime highs- for a week and a half. I took the dog out one night right after the worst of the cold passed and thought "Wow, it's actually pretty warm out." I checked the thermometer and it was a balmy 19 degrees, but it really felt pretty good compared to the prior week.
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