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After a recent post made by someone stating that it would take them a few years to clock over a measly 1000 miles, it made me wonder how often people actually drive their Mustangs. In my mind, for it to take a few years to put 1000 miles on the odometer, that means the car is just sitting for most of it's life. This can't be good for the car...
I try and drive mine once or twice a week. I try and avoid leaving it just sit. I don't want to let it just sit and look good in the garage. I enjoy getting out in it to go for a drive or to run some errands. Since the engine was rebuilt in 2005, I estimate that it's done close to 60,000 miles. At one stage in that time, it was a daily driver too.
Anyway, I just wondered how often people actually drive their Mustangs?
Sadly, I've barely put 3,000 miles on it since I did the resto in 2006. I don't think I've driven it maybe 4 months now, which is especially sad since I've moved back to the West Coast and it is sunny and warm most of the year. This post reminds me that I need to change the oil and drive it this weekend.8.7.1
Jeff in GA wrote:
Sadly, I've barely put 3,000 miles on it since I did the resto in 2006. I don't think I've driven it maybe 4 months now, which is especially sad since I've moved back to the West Coast and it is sunny and warm most of the year. This post reminds me that I need to change the oil and drive it this weekend.8.7.1
If you don't mind me asking... Why don't you drive it?
I tend to feel that letting a car just sit like that kills them. Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't understand why people build these awesome machines up with the best of the best parts and then they just let the cars sit.
Last edited by Toploader (3/24/2021 5:42 AM)
1,000 miles in a couple years sounds about right. I've put a little over 10,000 on mine since I've owned it (purchased in 1994). It sat without moving for a long stretch in there. I drove it every nice day in high school, but was not taking the car to college, so Dad dropped the insurance and it sat for 4 years. Then I was on my own insurance and it was just too expensive when I was first out of college so it sat more. I started my business in '06 and can't drive it for work (makes a poor pickup truck). I finally got back into it around '13 when my then 2 year old son wanted to go for a drive. Since then I drive it when I can, but there are practical constraints that prevent me driving it nearly as much as I'd like. I only drive it on nice days (no rain, and once they salt the roads it doesn't go out until we've had a couple good rains to wash that carcinogenic stuff off). In DE that means typically no driving Jan & Feb, possibly also Dec and Mar depending on the year. For work I need my truck, so its not like I can take it to the office; my office is my truck. After work my kids both play sports so I'm not piling them into it with muddy cleats, etc. So I really can only drive it when circumstances permit. During nice weather I do try to get it out at least once or twice a week, but typically don't go very far, so the miles don't really stack up. Eventually circumstance will change and I'll probably drive it more. I've also got several other low mileage vehicles that I have to toss in the rotation every so often as well, though some of them I will drive in the rain and even snow if I had to.
I drive it at least 5000 miles a year, last year was a tad under at 4500. But I built it to be on the road, yea it gets wet but it a fricken car, that's why they make towels. Enjoy them that's what there for.
I just ran the numbers and it's hard for me to believe that we average so few miles/year. Bought it as a "20 Footer" in july 05. Down most of 06 for mechanical resto. Waxahatchee Bash in '10. Kalispell Bash in '11. Down for major complete resto Jan '13 to Aug '15. Wimberly TX Bash in '15 and Ft. Walton Beach Bash in '17. Waco Mini-Bash in '19.
Wiped out the engine last July, down since. Total on the clock since the mechanical in 06 is 32K miles. So average miles during non-down time is 2800/year.
We drive it at least once a week but our town is small so our local running around doesn't amount to much and we have winter here. But, as you might tell from the Bash trips, I'm not afraid to drive it. I think like you...if I want "Garage Art", I buy a picture.
Well, my car was almost done, but now isn't, but once it's done, it won't see a lot of miles a year. I live in the northeast, so the car will go into hibernation from November- April/May most years. And once the weather is good and roads are clear other activities such as kids' sports and going to our camp in the summer significantly will significantly cut into car time. If it sees over 500 miles/yr for the next couple years that will be a lot. Once the kids are off to college, I will have more car time. Of course, if I were retired, that would be a different story.
My 67 is my daily driver in the snow free months. I average around 5K/year now, but when I worked it took me to work each day in the spring/summer/fall, an 80 mile round trip. I would put 12-15k miles on it in those days.
Mine had 49995 on it when I bought it in 1996. It has 67322 on it now (I leave the math as an exercise for the reader). I used to drive it on regular weekend jaunts to Galveston when I was in Houston, and also took a trip to Waco and part of a trip to College Station. Since moving here it's been driven some but not much beyond in-town touring and cruising on the road that encircles the lake. It did spend 5 years on skates in the garage while I recovered from "working on the Mustang" burnout so I'm sure that lowers the average a bit. I'm hoping to do some longer trips once I regain confidence in it and get a few more "I gotta get this fixed" things done but we'll see what happens.
Last edited by John Ha (3/24/2021 9:30 AM)
I don’t usually keep track of the odo readings. Since I stopped going to MCA events in 2014 my car only gets driven a rough guess of a few thousand miles a year. We here in the northern climates get a lot less driving time, 5 months is a good year.
Every year starting about 2005 a friend, his wife and I with mine would attend 2-3 car shows in many of the US venues. We usually stayed in the area of the shows afterwards driving around sightseeing and vacationing.
We still try to get out cruising frequently, weather permitting.
Ever day, as mine is my daily driver... when it's not in the air getting so called "upgrades".
I've had mine a while.....Drove it to several bashes.....couple long trips to Okla. and Texas.
Now that we have a garage, it's in there and my 'partz-chaser' is parked behind it soooooo it's EZ'er to just use the truck.
No AC.... so it goes to local car shows and spring & fall & summer 'scootz' down the road.
Wussss-ified?........Yeah I guess.
780 miles in past 4 years. (200 miles per year)
(Down since Glen Rose Bash for EFI upgrades.)
Ten miles this past Sunday for a shake down.
Last edited by Prof (3/24/2021 2:39 PM)
Its something that I always wondered about... I have seen on different forums etc where people purchase the most expensive brand of brake pad, or spend thousands on an engine rebuild to then let the car just sit 90% of the time. I don't understand it to be honest. If my car was hardly driven like this, I would probably sell it. I certainly look after my car and it is very tidy, but I like to drive mine. Scrapes, chips and wear and tear can all be repaired...
Typically I will do school drop off, drop kids off to work, drive to friends houses for dinner, go for scenic drives, car meets and I do this kind of stuff regularly.
When a car just sits, seals dry out, oil leaks develop, water pumps leak etc etc... Cars should be driven I reckon. Perhaps a lot of people are scared to drive them?
Last edited by Toploader (3/24/2021 3:15 PM)
Toploader wrote:
Its something that I always wondered about... I have seen on different forums etc where people purchase the most expensive brand of brake pad, or spend thousands on an engine rebuild to then the car just sits 90% of the time. I don't understand it to be honest. If my car was hardly driven like this, I would probably sell it. I certainly look after my car and it is very tidy, but I like to drive mine. Scrapes, chips and wear and tear can all be repaired...
I guess some people like show cars and only drive them to the show if they don't trailer them. That is not for me. Different strokes for different folks.
I enjoy driving my 67. It's quick and nimble and a blast to drive. It's a simple car from a simpler time, easy to work on and easy to drive.
It was my daily driver and fixer upper for first 8 years.
When I moved to Michigan, it became a summer/fall only.
Yes there are four seasons up here, I think summer was on a Tuesday last year. Way too short for me.
This is my parts chaser Sal...unless it’s broke down or it won’t fit in the trunk. Might have to put a hitch on it.
Great excuse to steal wife’s F150.😁
Last edited by Nos681 (3/24/2021 4:01 PM)
You guys are spoiled with registration costs. Down here it costs bout a $1000 a year for unrestricted use. Or $200 a year for very restricted use ... approved club runs and 15 km radius for testing purposes.
Club rego is only available for older cars. I'm currently saving $4000 a year by choosing not to register a coupla newer cars, and club rego on two older Mustangs.
I'm still paying around $5000 a year for my work truck and other daily drivers.
I do more miles in America for pleasure than I do in Oz.
50vert wrote:
You guys are spoiled with registration costs. Down here it costs bout a $1000 a year for unrestricted use. Or $200 a year for very restricted use ... approved club runs and 15 km radius for testing purposes.
Club rego is only available for older cars. I'm currently saving $4000 a year by choosing not to register a coupla newer cars, and club rego on two older Mustangs.
I'm still paying around $5000 a year for my work truck and other daily drivers.
I do more miles in America for pleasure than I do in Oz.
Ouch! I spoke incorrectly before stating my registration was $167.50 for five years. I need to correct that to $165.72 for five years. Colorado makes you sign an affidavit that states that I won't drive more than 4K/year. No odometer readings, nothing, so it is not enforceable. Now I am a law abiding citizen so if the odo flips over 4K for the year, I park it and get a tow truck to haul me home. Bwahahaha.
New cars owners get drug over the coals, hence the reason the newest vehicle in our fleet is a 2002 Ford F-250 7.3L diesel. Its tags are about $160 or so each year plus it has to go on the treadmill to check for particulate emissions. The plus side of the treadmill is it gives me RW HP each year to track.
50vert wrote:
club rego on two older Mustangs.
Two classics that just sit in the garage and hardly ever driven? I still don't get it... Are these really valuable models that are investments?
So other than just because you can, why do people own classic cars and let them just sit?
My Mustang is technically our second car and we have always only owned two cars, so the Mustang in our family can't sit still very long. I honestly think I would sell mine (or loan it to a museum) if I didn't drive it, so I want to enjoy driving it and having fun experiences in it now while I still can. On a somber note, as the aging process occurs to each of us, I am always mindful that things can take a turn for the worst and maybe retirement years will mean I can no longer drive. Hopefully this doesn't happen to any of us, but who knows...
Last edited by Toploader (3/24/2021 5:43 PM)
I drive mine a lot. I've had it 16 years and have put over 30k on it. It was down for 3 yrs when the engine let go. It's down now while I convert from hydraulic power steering to EPAS. I'm getting close to being done. Then I'm adding A/C. the climate in KC is such that I never park it for the winter. There's usually nice days here and there even during the winter when I can drive to work.
I usually put about between 750-1000 miles per year on my 68. Some years more, but that's about the average. I had planned on driving it more after I retired, but the virus hit and there went all the shows and cruises. Things are starting to pick up recently and once the weather improves and my new shoulder gets into better shape I'll be hitting the road again. Last time I drove it was in December on a sunny day where we had a cruise to support a local food bank. So far, no issues with sitting warm and dry in my garage.
Toploader wrote:
50vert wrote:
club rego on two older Mustangs.
Two classics that just sit in the garage and hardly ever driven? I still don't get it... So other than just because you can, why do people own classic cars and let them just sit?
My Mustang is technically our second car, so it can't sit very long.
I still think I would sell mine (or loan it to a museum) if I didn't drive it.
With an average of a 80-90 hr working week (so I can afford my toys), there's not a lot of downtime. What time off I get in our Summer, I usually spend in the States playing in the white stuff.
Maybe when I get old(er), I'll have more time. I guess everyone's circumstances are different.
Since it's running, I like to drive it whenever possible. I've clocked a little over 8000 miles since it was first registered in mid-2018. I lost almost a year with a busted motor after the 2019 Bash.
I bought mine in 78 and used it for a daily driver, a truck and a camper mobile. I put a home made trailer hitch on it, bought a camper trailer to tow all over N. AZ. When the mustang wore out I got a junk car and parked the Mustang. It sat in a running condition for 14 years while I collected the parts it needed and that I wanted. When the kids graduated from college I started work on it. It took 4 months to get it back safely on the road. I never called it restored just kept up. I drive it when it's not broken but not much. The last fill up before last week end was in Dec.
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