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10/13/2021 8:20 AM  #76

Re: 351W rocker clatter

John Ha wrote:

Probably something loose and rattling on your engine stand

It’s not. Clearly coming from the engine and I have had other engines on the run stand with out noise.

If it isn't broken...modify it anyway!

10/14/2021 5:17 AM  #77

Re: 351W rocker clatter

I'd try removing the plug wires one at a time while it's clattering to see if that affects the noise.  If it does you should at least have the issue narrowed down to a cylinder.  The only other thing I can think of to look at would be the rockers - making sure that all the valves are pushed down the same distance when the clattering is present.  I think you've eliminated the heads as the cause so it either has to be something deeper in the valve train (cam, lifters or push rods) or something else that moves.

Founding Member of the Perpetually Bewildered Society

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