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6/30/2022 5:12 PM  #1

Route from San Antonio/Dallas avoiding interstates + hotel info

Pics show two hotels, night of 9/13 in Texarkana and 9/14 in Poplar Bluff. Taking state highways to be able to see more local scenery and cruise at a lower speed.  Maybe even get some practice rowing the gears.

If you can join in on this route, would sure like having a few more Mustangs on the tour.  Hope to see you there.

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.

7/06/2022 6:05 AM  #2

Re: Route from San Antonio/Dallas avoiding interstates + hotel info

Benton's are booked for this part of the trip. See you in Texarkana. 


8/05/2022 2:57 PM  #3

Re: Route from San Antonio/Dallas avoiding interstates + hotel info

I tried to figure a way to meet up with you at Poplar Bluff but it just adds too many miles and hours to our already 1155 mile one way.  We have two 400+ days and a 285 day Thursday.  Planning to be in Vandalia about check-in time.  See ya'all then.

"you get what you pay for, good work isn't cheap, and there are NO free lunches...PERIOD!"

9/09/2022 9:11 AM  #4

Re: Route from San Antonio/Dallas avoiding interstates + hotel info

Steve, what time do you plan to leave from Texarkana? Michael and I are going to try and catch up with you on Wednesday from Fort Worth.


9/09/2022 5:10 PM  #5

Re: Route from San Antonio/Dallas avoiding interstates + hotel info

Brian wrote:

Steve, what time do you plan to leave from Texarkana? Michael and I are going to try and catch up with you on Wednesday from Fort Worth.

I don’t have a plan yet, but I think I can be variable to some degree.  Let me look at Wednesday’s schedule. I think the only plan is to just get to the next night’s hotel with no special events along the way.

Thinking I need to be on the road no later than 10:00, but earlier would be better.

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.
     Thread Starter

9/10/2022 4:05 PM  #6

Re: Route from San Antonio/Dallas avoiding interstates + hotel info

MS, you def. gonna see some Corn Fields in Illinois!!!!


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