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3/24/2023 9:10 PM  #1

Went to a swap meet in San Antonio today

There were SIX vendors set up. What a let down.
But, I did score a nice Pro 5.0 shifter for the T5 in my 69 for $75. I was going to buy a new one for about twice that much.  So, I bought the only Mustang part at the meet, and I think I got a good deal on it.
With all the money I saved, we stopped at Pappadeaux’s for lunch. Crawfish was great.

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.

3/25/2023 8:02 AM  #2

Re: Went to a swap meet in San Antonio today

I wish swap meet would pop up around here.

Last edited by BILLY WALTON from GEORGIA (3/25/2023 8:14 AM)

Its really me....I fixed my caps lock .

3/25/2023 8:08 AM  #3

Re: Went to a swap meet in San Antonio today

Hard to find used because they last almost forever.  I will caution though, if you find one and its got slop in it, walk away.  You can get new springs and a new ball for them, but the only one I ever saw that was worn out the damage was actually to the lower aluminum housing and you can't get that part. 


3/25/2023 2:44 PM  #4

Re: Went to a swap meet in San Antonio today

I said it was nice

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.
     Thread Starter

3/26/2023 5:53 AM  #5

Re: Went to a swap meet in San Antonio today

For Billy's benefit, and/or the community. 


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