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2/22/2014 5:03 PM  #1

lower door window frame

I swear to god, my car must have lived at the bottom of the ocean at one point. So, the bottom of the doors look like they were gnawed off by a wolverine due to all the rust. We get some decent, but empty, door shells off Craigslist. We're replacing most of the innards with power windows, power locks, etc. 

So, I figure we can at least pull the glass out of the old doors and transfer it over. Pull the glass out, and the frames at the bottom of the glass that hold the tracks for the regulator rollers is literally falling apart.  

I cannot seem to even figure out what the part is called, so I'm assuming it's not reproduced. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get these? Don't see anything like it in the standard mustang parts stores, and the only thing I can find on ebay is the whole window, which seems like overkill and more

Thanks for the help. 


Last edited by rbtconsultants (2/22/2014 5:04 PM)


2/23/2014 6:22 AM  #2

Re: lower door window frame

Seems the only way to get it is with a new window. BUT, if you go to an autobody supply house, you can get what's called universal bottom window channel. It comes in 8' lengths. You'll also neet the thick 'tape' that keeps the channel and window together.The 'tape' comes in different thickness so you'll need you windows thickness, too. Good job for a warm day. I used the same stuff on a rear '90 Blazer tailgate window; looked like it shared space with your window. 


2/27/2014 7:05 PM  #3

Re: lower door window frame

So, I picked up replacements from Glazier Nolan Mustang Barn. They were not cheap, but they are perfect condition originals. Great place. Glad I live near there :-)


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