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2/20/2014 2:41 PM  #26

Re: Spindle ball joint issue on my 65 after rollerizing lower control arm

I have the same lower arm modification that you do. I used some hardened washers so that the cotter pin would go through the castelated nut. I have over 7000 miles on it since I installed them and I have not had any issues with grease leaking out or otherwise loosening of the joint.



2/20/2014 4:04 PM  #27

Re: Spindle ball joint issue on my 65 after rollerizing lower control arm

After talking to CPP, they are sending me the cone sleeve/bushings for my Ball joints. I'll follow up with the outcome. 



2/20/2014 5:05 PM  #28

Re: Spindle ball joint issue on my 65 after rollerizing lower control arm

BobN wrote:

I have the same lower arm modification that you do. I used some hardened washers so that the cotter pin would go through the castelated nut. I have over 7000 miles on it since I installed them and I have not had any issues with grease leaking out or otherwise loosening of the joint.


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2/27/2014 7:28 PM  #29

Re: Spindle ball joint issue on my 65 after rollerizing lower control arm

Cpp sent me the adapter. It is a tapered cone sleeve. They didn't charge me but did want to refer to the invoice when I purchased the kit. Need some warm weather to install. It was labeled on their invoice as Granada lbj to mopar adapter so that may help someone in finding something similar.



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