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3/19/2014 5:42 PM  #1

Intermittend Wipers 65-70 Mustang

I decided to add intermittent wipers to my 67 mustang.  I looked at a lot of forums and decided I wanted to do something that eliminated the washer pump pedal on the 67-68 and would be compatibile with other year mustangs.  While the new version are probably fine, they usually don’t  include the washer pump on the switch.  The new sliding switch is fine, but again, it leaves the old floor washer pump in the equation.  Having worked at Ford during this ears, I decided to use as many existing componets and intergrate them into a complete system.  On my 67 convertible, I added a light switch stamping from an old dash in the ash tray slot for uniformity.  I have tried to attach a PDF file detailing this process but apparently don't know the correct process>


3/19/2014 5:57 PM  #2

Re: Intermittend Wipers 65-70 Mustang

One way I've found to post something long here is to use the copy function on you comp. Copy everything you want to post and paste it in the field. If your copy has pictures, they probably won't show up as a pic. Just click on the box where the picture would appear and use the upload image function(at the bottom right) and it will paste it to where you clicked the box.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't get him drunk

3/19/2014 7:30 PM  #3

Re: Intermittend Wipers 65-70 Mustang

It's a PDF and won't copy.

     Thread Starter

3/19/2014 8:03 PM  #4

Re: Intermittend Wipers 65-70 Mustang

Send it to me and I'll try an post it for you.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't get him drunk

3/19/2014 9:21 PM  #5

Re: Intermittend Wipers 65-70 Mustang

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.

3/20/2014 12:04 AM  #6

Re: Intermittend Wipers 65-70 Mustang

Thanks for getting the PDF posted.  I have 3  complete sets consisting of a governor harness, switch, and pigtail for splicing to motor if anyone is interested.  They have all been bench tested and work fine.  I find that the switches are work great, but new OEM replacement switches are fairly reasonable from Rockauto, etc.

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4/01/2014 8:13 AM  #7

Re: Intermittend Wipers 65-70 Mustang

There's another way to do it too.  I built and installed this unit on my 66.  It seems to work just fine.  See also my web page:

Founding Member of the Perpetually Bewildered Society

4/01/2014 8:52 AM  #8

Re: Intermittend Wipers 65-70 Mustang

I went for a process using existing items available from parts supply companies and salvage yard components. There are thousands of Ford broncos and f150 with the governor harness still working. I like all ford stuff in my projects. You have a more advanced mind.

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