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4/01/2014 7:46 AM  #1

Not a Mustang but

I just had to show off.  Finally sold the Mustang and bought a car I've lusted after for ages.

Founding Member of the Perpetually Bewildered Society

4/01/2014 7:49 AM  #2

Re: Not a Mustang but

Mike....Mike.... Do you know what day it is?????


4/01/2014 9:23 AM  #3

Re: Not a Mustang but

John I always thought the cars made from the mid 60's to early 70's were the best styled cars of any era. But that is defiantly an exception to the rule, very nice. Also my favorite Vett.

If this forum can't fix it, it isn't broke.

4/01/2014 10:48 AM  #4

Re: Not a Mustang but

Sigh - if only it were true - this is nothing more than an out-of-character April first prank.  I still have the Mustang.  Still, maybe some day ...

Founding Member of the Perpetually Bewildered Society
     Thread Starter

4/01/2014 11:55 AM  #5

Re: Not a Mustang but

The old would've, could've, should've tales. I bought a 61 in 72 for $1200. Sold it in 75 for $600. Always been my philosophy, buy high, sell low.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't get him drunk

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