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3/29/2014 9:31 AM  #1

Power steering hose holder

I'm working on a 1967 289. Trying to route the hoses from the power steering valve to the power steering pump. I'm having trouble getting them to route through the holder that keeps them away from the engine. It's a rubber bracket that mounts to the frame. Anyone have any tips? Thanks, Brian


3/29/2014 1:29 PM  #2

Re: Power steering hose holder

There are two brackets available for that app. One for the small block and one for the big block, both are a staright forward install although some find that the BB one has better routing for the hoses.
Just what are the issues you are having?

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man

3/29/2014 3:12 PM  #3

Re: Power steering hose holder

I connected it at both ends but it seems I can't get the hose down far enough to fit in the bracket, and I'm afraid of breaking the hose.

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3/29/2014 4:40 PM  #4

Re: Power steering hose holder

Here are some pics on the hoses in the SB bracket with Tri-y headers on a 68.
I trhink it would be quite difficult to break the hoses.
Are you using the stock pump?

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man

4/01/2014 12:09 PM  #5

Re: Power steering hose holder

I got the hose that doesn't have the high pressure connection put in place but the other one seems too long.  Maybe I have it put into the pump upside down or something.  I've added some photos, but they are not the best. 

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4/01/2014 3:08 PM  #6

Re: Power steering hose holder

The rubber  pump out hose is necked down to a smaller diameter and the reduced size hose is the one that goes through the rubber part of the clamp. The hose with the steel dog leg goes into the pump and then loops forward and then down to the clamp.

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man

4/02/2014 8:13 PM  #7

Re: Power steering hose holder

Thanks Rudi. I worked on it tonight and it's a little tight but  I think I got it.  Brian

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