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4/27/2014 6:23 PM  #1

Shifter adjustment

What is the correct method to adjust the shifter? I have a 65 coupe, 200 six with auto Trans. The indicater shows D 1 2 but will only shift down to 2.
Also I know the car did not have an auto from factory. I have seen shifters that did not display the 1 and 2. Is there such a thing as a transmission that does not have D 1 2.
Thanks for the help.

God Bless Seal Team 6!!!!

4/27/2014 7:36 PM  #2

Re: Shifter adjustment

6 cylinder Ford Falcon and Mercury comets had what was called a FordoMatic transmission until 1964.  It was a cast iron 2 speed auto.   I have never seen one in a Mustang.  Someone would had to purposely put it in there if that is what it is.  

Can you get any pictures of that tranny?    I remember it being a cast iron bird.  And it had the fill tube enter the transmission about halfway length of the pan on the passender side, with the hole in the bottom side of the case.  

If multiple things can go wrong, the one that will go wrong will be the one that causes the most damage.

4/27/2014 7:39 PM  #3

Re: Shifter adjustment

Will get pics Monday provided we make it past this storm!!!

God Bless Seal Team 6!!!!
     Thread Starter

4/27/2014 7:44 PM  #4

Re: Shifter adjustment

I got all tore up from the April 3rd storm.   

If multiple things can go wrong, the one that will go wrong will be the one that causes the most damage.

4/28/2014 10:13 AM  #5

Re: Shifter adjustment

Most shifter problems are caused by worn out bushings in the shifter itself.  Spend $4 and rebuild your shifter and it might just magically cause everything to start working properly again.

Your symptoms are typical of the bushings being worn out.

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.

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