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8/21/2018 5:04 AM  #1

Avoid Blue Oval Industries

Blue Oval Industries mostly sells parts for later model cars, but I know a lot of us also have Fox body and later generation Mustangs, plus a lot of us have updated our classics with later model parts.  I want to warn everyone out there to stay away from these guys.

My first experience with them was buying a set of center caps for a set of Cobra R wheels I'm running on my '89 GT.  The caps were listed on their website as OEM Ford.  What arrived at my door was not OEM Ford.  They had no Ford logo or part number, and having a pair of legit Ford ones that have both it raised a red flag.  On examination the way they were constructed differed from the Ford ones as well.  Obviously they were reproductions, aftermarket, or knock offs.  I should have complained, but I didn't.  They looked good, fit the wheels well, and I was happy with all but the price I'd paid and the fact that they were marketed as being Ford parts when they weren't.  The price I paid was for OEM, and I could have bought repros off eBay for 1/2-1/3 the price, likely ending up with the exact same parts Blue Oval sent me.  This was probably a year and a half ago.

Fast forward to a week ago.  I'm looking for various parts for my '89 GT.  I come across an engine wiring harness in eBay for $200 marked as NOS.  Repros are selling for $270 and up, so it seemed a screaming deal, and I figured, even if it was a repro its still cheaper than all the parts houses.  I purchased it and it arrived a short while later.  I opened up the box and inspected it and saw several things that raised a red flag.  There are two single post terminal sockets on the harness.  We've all seen these before, and Ford molds rubber around them to form a 90 degree socket, as used on coil wires, etc. from the '60s through the '90s.  These had shrink tubing over a metal terminal.  Its worth noting that I've never seen Ford use shrink tubing on any harness from the '60s-'00s.  Ford uses tape, usually cloth tape.  Speaking of which, this harness had tape that was vinyl where the original harness from my car had cloth.  There was a plastic push connector for routing the harness that was missing.  The wiring sleeves used on single wires was some kind of mesh like covering, where Ford uses that solid, fairly thick black sleeving (again, same stuff used from the '60s through the '90s).  I compared it to my original harness and this is what I found.  I've bought new harnesses directly from Ford before, and they are always exactly like the original.  There's no way this harness was made by Ford, or Ford's original supplier.  It certainly wasn't NOS, and wasn't any kind of service replacement either.  Bottom line, it was a reproduction, and not a terribly good one at that.

I then carefully examined the pictures of the reproductions on the web and saw that most of the features were correct, and they closely mimiced the originals.  I decided that low price or not I'd rather buy one of the more expensive, though more correct reproductions, so I contacted the seller and asked for a return based on my findings.  He said "ship it back and I'll refund your money".  I said "send me a call tag so I don't have to pay for shipping".  Still waiting on that, but its only been a couple days, so I'll give him another day or two before I take that to the next level.

Now, this got me thinking, because I'd seen other such harnesses for sale, some also claiming to be "Genuine Ford" and "NOS".  I found another one and closely examined the picture to find it was exactly what I'd just bought.  This one was being sold by Blue Oval Industries, and for $100 more than the guy I'd just bought from.  I contacted them and asked "Why is this listed as Genuine Ford and NOS?"  The response was that Ford no longer produces it, so its new old stock and why was I asking?  I replied that it was not made by Ford, and certainly wasn't NOS.  I knew this because I'd just bought the same harness and examined it.  I noted all of the differences as I did above.  I said I wasn't sure who was selling these as "NOS" to the various people out there reselling them, and assumed the mistake was one of ignorance.  This is where they started being abusive and belligerent.  I was told I was "worthless" and didn't know anything because they had 30 years of experience working for Ford.  I was told my email was "ridiculous" and to stop bothering them.  I never resort to this kind of stuff, you guys have seen me post before, even in heated arguments.  Name calling and abusive language is just childish.  Its the sort of troll behavior you see on forums where there are a lot of jerks trying to be hot @#$%.

I filed a formal complaint with eBay, we'll see where that goes.  I don't expect much.  How I was treated when all I was trying to do was let them know that they were selling reproduction parts as NOS and genuine, and even assuming that they had in turn been duped is insane.  Its clear from both this experience and my previous one that these guys know exactly what they are doing.  They are intentionally deceptive and fraudulent.  If you search their reviews they are terrible.  The only people with anything nice to say got their parts and never had to contact anyone for customer support or service.  Anyone who did, including people who ended up with broken parts were almost always insulted, hung up on, etc.  Its truly rare that I wish failure on anyone, but I certainly wish it on these guys.

Long story short, don't give these clowns your money.  Anyone know how I can contact someone in Ford's legal department so they can hopefully bring action against them for misrepresenting parts and using Ford's name to help sell them? 


8/21/2018 7:20 AM  #2

Re: Avoid Blue Oval Industries

in the past if the company had a poor rating I didn't waste my money or time. I was ripped off by sears on a set of tires, never got my money nor my tires, it pisses me off but lesson learned. you might also try filing with your states attorney general.


8/21/2018 10:16 AM  #3

Re: Avoid Blue Oval Industries

I also considered filing a complaint with the BBB, but they basically give the company your name so they can explain how they handled the situation.  It seems they are more interested in protecting their members than consumers.You'll find they have complaints, but those complaints are explained away.

I should have done a search prior to purchasing the center caps, because there are a lot of complaints on other forums.  Some they even posted email transcripts and you just can't believe the way these guys talk to people.

My grandfather used to relate a tale, which IMO sums up all you need to to know about customer service.  When he was a kid in the '30s he worked for the owner of the local dry goods; a man of impeccable character, wisdom, and wealth.  Mr. Lazarus was his name.  One day a woman came into the store with a dress she wanted to return.  The lady at the counter apologized and explained that they didn't sell that dress, but the woman was insistent.  Mr. Lazarus overheard and he simply said, "Madam what did you pay for the dress?"  $15 she said (a lot of money in the day).  He opened his own wallet and gave her $15 and took the dress.  An hour later she returned white faced and apologizing profusely saying she had made a mistake, felt awful, and could she please have the dress back in exchange for Mr. Lazarus's $15.  Mr. Lazarus returned the dress, but refused the money.  He said "please just do me the favor of spending it in my store."  My grandfather asked "why did you let her keep the money, she was wrong, you threw away $15!"  Mr. Lazarus said "No Freddie, for $15 I bought a customer for life."  I try to operate my business with the same mentality.  If I take care of my customers they'll take care of me.  I've had difficult customers, stubborn customers, non paying customers, lying customers, you name it.  What I never did with any of them was act unprofessional or resort to name calling, hanging up the phone,etc.  I treated them as a person who I relied upon for my livelihood, because that's exactly what they are.  People who forget that don't deserve to be in business.  There's a statistic that one unhappy customer costs you 76 customers over the course of your business.  I hope I can double or triple that for these jerks. 

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8/21/2018 11:46 AM  #4

Re: Avoid Blue Oval Industries

Man that sucks.

I bought new take off parts from them for the front brakes and what looked to be the discontinued Ford Motorsports 9” disk brake kit without issue.

I did have an issue with the rotors I bought and this has been 5-6 years ago. It was like $90 for 4 Ford rotors shipped to the house, great deal I thought. I got a note from the post office saying I owed for shipping. I was puzzled. Turns out, Blue Oval put a pair of rotors into each of the “it fits, it ships” boxes. Then taped them together and mailed as one!! So, the postal service wanted the rest of their money from me, which was about $20 and I paid it. To get it back from Blue Oval, I threatened their 5 star rating, at that time, when they didn’t respond to emails. Got a phone call from a guy that was courteous and took care of me.

Mr. Lazarus from your story was a sharp guy. There’s a lot of truth in that.

John  -- 67 Mustang Coupe 390 5 speed

8/21/2018 2:29 PM  #5

Re: Avoid Blue Oval Industries

Yeah, its crazy.  You look at their feedback score on eBay and its high, and quite good.  I don't know if a lot of people are just getting duped and don't know it (quite likely I think), or the two guys who everyone seems to say they had problems with (John & Mike, no last names given) are the problem and are just bullies or have some type of narcissistic personality disorder, or what.  I've seen people respond on various threads telling people basically "my transaction was fine, stop whining", which makes me wonder if those guys are also lurking on the forums under pseudonyms or handles that don't include any part of their names.  That might be a tad paranoid, but it seems that they have two types of transactions: those where the person buys parts and never contacts them and all is well, and those where there's a problem and the customer gets belittled, berated, their order cancelled, their money held hostage, etc.  Its like there's enough of the first type to keep them looking good enough to keep doing business, but there's this underlying dearth of horror stories that most people don't hear about until they have an issue, do what  did, and check their reviews after it was already too late. 

I mean, most times I check the reviews on the part itself, not the company I'm buying it from.  I've had great customer service from LMR, American Muscle, Mustangs Unlimited, Summit, and of course Mustang Steve.  I've never had an issue with returning anything from any other place.  I call or email, get an RA number, and depending on the situation either they pay return shipping or I do; typically them.  I've complained about quality on several products over the years and have gotten answers like "we understand, but that's all that's available at this time, but feel free to return it if you want", or "we are looking into that, thanks for letting us know", or nothing back at all.

Blue Oval Industries has the attitude of "this product is great because we say it is, its real because we say it is, and you're happy with it because we say you are.  If you're not, then its your problem because you're an idiot."  I just can't fathom that as a customer service model.  Especially in a business where I'm betting most of your business comes from repeat customers.  Restoring and modifying cars, as we all know, is a marathon, not a sprint.  A full restoration takes at best years and sometimes decades.  People buy stuff as the need arises or as they have funds over a long period of time.  I take particular care of my repeat customers because they always seem to need something when I start slowing down and need work, they allowed me to survive the recession, and even when I'm super busy I figure out a way to squeeze them in and keep them happy so the next time they come back to me.  I just can't put myself in the mindset of someone who doesn't see the value in that.  Its infuriating, but also a touch sad. 

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