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10/27/2018 10:20 AM  #1

Oil and temp gauges?

My temperature and oil pressure gauge work in immediately at best. Five year old sending units. I'm trying to test fit alternate gauges to see where the problem might be. They both have black with white stripe wires. Are these b/white grounds? In other words, can I ground the black with white stripe and jumper the red/white stripe to the oil sending unit for testing?


10/27/2018 10:26 AM  #2

Re: Oil and temp gauges?

I suggest you get a wiring diagram for your year.  Mine has been invaluable to me.  Saved me hours of work.  Most Mustang parts houses have them.

Tell us what year your car is.  That will be a big help.

Last edited by lowercasesteve (10/27/2018 10:27 AM)

Original owner - 351w,T-5, 4whl disks, power R&P

10/27/2018 10:59 AM  #3

Re: Oil and temp gauges?

As lowercasesteve recommends, get the wiring diagram for your car.
For the 66 Mustang gauges (and I believe all Ford products of this era) the ground is through the sending unit mounting.  One item I suggest you check is the ground strap from the engine to the car body.  This strap is typically mounted on the rear of the passenger side cylinder head.  This may cause the condition you're experiencing.

65 Fastback, 351W, 5-speed, 4 wheel discs, 9" rear,  R&C Front End.

10/27/2018 11:49 AM  #4

Re: Oil and temp gauges?

Sorry guys it's a 68. I have a chiltons manual but only shows the oil and temperature guages in the 70's model. I put a nice ground body to motor, number 8 braided copper. We have two terminals on the back of the oil gauge, black with white stripe and red with white stripe. One's got to be ground and the other moves the gauge needle?

Last edited by daily driver (10/27/2018 11:49 AM)

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10/27/2018 12:08 PM  #5

Re: Oil and temp gauges?

I don't believe either wire is a ground. You should have a 12v lead to power the gauge and a lead to the sending unit. I have Auto meter gauges in my 66 and that's how they are wired.

"anyone that stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty"Henry Ford

10/27/2018 12:39 PM  #6

Re: Oil and temp gauges?

Might help you on here.
Just gotta "poke-around" to find what you need.

Get busy Liv'in or get busy Die'n....Host of the 2020 Bash at the Beach/The only Bash that got cancelled  )8

10/28/2018 8:44 AM  #7

Re: Oil and temp gauges?

If you are wanting to ground something to make the gauges move, do it at the senders. It should peg the gauge. Don’t leave it that way for long though, seems like it could damage something if I remember correctly. Grounding wires at the gauges could result in sparks!!

From Ford, the fuel, oil, and temperature gauges are supplied power from a “regulator” that converts 12 volts to 5 volts. It’s bolted to the back of the instrument cluster. Those have been known to go bad. Could be a loose connection at the regulator. Good luck.

John  -- 67 Mustang Coupe 390 5 speed

10/28/2018 12:48 PM  #8

Re: Oil and temp gauges?

Thanks, I appreciate your help!

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