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Hi All,
Ive written about this more than once and even though some things have made it better, its still not good/acceptable...
My 69 fb does have some minor body damage to the rear left which prevents the trunk and tailight from sealing properly, but I have spray foamed that and placed rubber seals and it has worked very well, Yet as soon as the windows are opened, even a crack, the fumes take over...
-351W decently modified, but not stroked..Mild-heavier Roller cam, Heads, intake and now 800cfm Holley (have had a 650, 750 and now this 800 and stink/fumes and potency always the same) jets are 71/78
-last year had the exhaust smoked and all leaks were welded shut......
-tailpipes extend around 8" past the bumper (looks horrible and didnt help)
-when cold start my cars fumes will smell up the entire area of the exterior of my house(corner lot 1100sq/ft home, detached garage.....average lot size for the 60's)
-when warm the stink subsides slightly, but when idling in the driveway still need to stay clear....stoplights just the same-----I can not drive with the windows open!
-WOT on the highway or just to have fun increases the stench from Horrible to unbearable...
Any thoughts on how to rectify?? Ive considered Catalytic's, Converting to Ethanol and Switching to Edelbrock Carbs......Last resort is selling.............
Last edited by M1Mustang69 (5/01/2019 11:40 AM)
An 800cfm carb on a 351 is complete, total, and utter overkill. A 650 is all it should need. I ran 750s on 454s very successfully and those engines spun to 6,500 RPM and were making 500+HP.
The problem is the same regardless of carb though, but this should immediately point you to fuel delivery. My guess is that you have too much fuel pressure and its blowing the needle off the seat and making it run super rich.
I would highly suggest swapping the carb for an Edelbrock 600 or 650, but I would start by putting a fuel pressure gauge on it and checking fuel pressure.
What TKO says...Plus: If you are running a cam with very much timing (duration) there is going to be significant overlap when the intake and exh. valves are open at the same time. At idle this makes for a lot of raw fuel getting into the exhaust. You may be able to minimize that somewhat by adjusting the idle air bleeds but the the engine is still going to need enough fuel to run at idle and with a lumpy cam that means you need the idle circuits rich enough to accommodate the engine's needs after blowing a lot of raw fuel out the exhaust.
I used to live on a dirt road that was 2 1/2 miles off the pavement. The dust and dirt always came into the car, no matter what was done to stop it, from the rear of the car, trunk and water drain holes. The only thing that stopped it was opening the fresh air vents. They are located in the front of the car which when open pressurizes the cabin causing the air to flow out the openings and rear . Ditto on the previously recommended fuel issues. I have a 750 cfm on my 351W that is stroked to 416. It stinks too. I can't start the car in the garage without it stinking up the joint. I was told it would be too rich and I would need to lean it out a lot. I'm still working on leaning it. It's not as bad as it originally was. I was also told I might have to get a 650 and richer it up a lot, there is no in between carb.
Last edited by HudginJ3 (5/01/2019 5:02 PM)
Not trying to Be Rude or Abrasive with this statement, but I wasnt looking for what size carb advice.....I did state that the STENCH was the same across the board.....Putrid...
but for the sake of the conversation, I started with a 750DP (used rebuilt) when the Engine was overhauled and it was a BEAST.......
in my attempts to relieve myself of this Horrid Stink, I brought it to a VERY reputable and renowned Machine Shop......they recommended a 650DP, timed it, tuned it and slapped a $1200 bill and the instant I drove away I felt the car was different.....felt as if it were "Tired" compared to its former self......almost as if it were pulling a small trailer with modest weight....Case in Point, very much so noticeable Power Drop, and not to mention the Main Concern (Headache causing stink) remained......
I kept it as so while jumping through the other hoops to remove the smell and nothing worked.....after 2 summers of missing the Cars Former Glory I decided to rebuild a 800 just to try it and WHAMMO, she was alive again......hold onto the steering wheel, white knuckle kind of Alive.....
So this is why I have the over-kill Carb........I thought the same but for some reason this build wants 750+
So, do I change my jets front and back to something lower? my FP is 6 or 7 bouncing between the two......
Last edited by M1Mustang69 (5/02/2019 12:30 AM)
You need to understand that trying to fix a tuning issue on a car via the internet it like trying to give someone a haircut over the phone. We aren't there. There are likely things that would be obvious in an environment where we could touch, smell, see, and hear the engine run. We are limited to what we are being told.
Based on that I can tell you that fuel pressure of 7psi is absolute max for a Holley, and it would likely work better at more like 5.
It sounds like the shop either didn't get the car tuned right, or possibly TDC on your balancer is not really TDC (several reasons for this, fairly common problem with small Fords). What you describe after they "tuned" it is almost certainly a timing issue, not a fueling issue.
TKOPerformance wrote:
You need to understand that trying to fix a tuning issue on a car via the internet it like trying to give someone a haircut over the phone. We aren't there. There are likely things that would be obvious in an environment where we could touch, smell, see, and hear the engine run. We are limited to what we are being told.
Based on that I can tell you that fuel pressure of 7psi is absolute max for a Holley, and it would likely work better at more like 5.
It sounds like the shop either didn't get the car tuned right, or possibly TDC on your balancer is not really TDC (several reasons for this, fairly common problem with small Fords). What you describe after they "tuned" it is almost certainly a timing issue, not a fueling issue.
I agree with TKO on the timing thing. I've got a 289 with a 650 carb and Performer cam and manifold. I AM NOT A TUNING EXPERT. I tune mine the way I was taught better than 50 years ago. I connect a vacuume gage to the carb and dial the timing in to max vacuume. I had the "stink" like you discribed when I tuned it with a timing light. When I tuned it by vacuume in took care of the problem. That said I also agree that the carb is to big for a SBF and if properly tuned you may have gotten the same or better performance from a smaller carb.
Last edited by BillyC (5/02/2019 9:07 AM)
make sure your trunk is sealed well, much reading and folks here told that while driving, the trunk creates a vaccum sort of while driving down the road and tends to pull the fumes from exhaust up
too much fuel being dumped into the engine will surely make a lot of fumes and make the car unbearable, makes sense, when cold, that much fuel is harder to burn
Before I fired her, my first ex wife once walked out into the garage while I was working on a car and said, "man, I sure like the smell of gasoline". I do miss that about her.
That how I got my shop. Jean hated me working in the garage because everything I did created a stink she really couldn't stand. So she insisted I build a shop..."well, okay Hon, I don't really need or want a shop but if it'll make you happy....".
TKOPerformance wrote:
You need to understand that trying to fix a tuning issue on a car via the internet it like trying to give someone a haircut over the phone. We aren't there. There are likely things that would be obvious in an environment where we could touch, smell, see, and hear the engine run. We are limited to what we are being told.
Based on that I can tell you that fuel pressure of 7psi is absolute max for a Holley, and it would likely work better at more like 5.
It sounds like the shop either didn't get the car tuned right, or possibly TDC on your balancer is not really TDC (several reasons for this, fairly common problem with small Fords). What you describe after they "tuned" it is almost certainly a timing issue, not a fueling issue.
......"it's a no hesitation move, it's straight across".............
josh-kebob wrote:
......"it's a no hesitation move, it's straight across".............
I absolutely understand and recognize the challenges with trying to help through these means, which is why I tried to express myself carefully..........
My BIG issue is exhaust fumes........the stench is unbearable and worse than any other car Ive been in and around.....Ive tried what seems to be everything (timing changes, TDC resetting, MSD Ignition system, new carbs of all sizes, new exhaust and an engine rebuild (which made it worse).....
I get why the fumes are coming in, its a concern but at least theres closure on that......the potency of my exhaust seems to be a mystery.....
HOWEVER I will try adjusting the timing with a vacuum gauge, that I have never done!
Fingers Crossed....
Also if 7lbs is max for holley, how do you recommend reducing it to a better pressure?
Adjustable fuel pressure regulator.
Try laying some sheets of paper around the boot lid opening, close boot. Any you can pull out is indicative of a bad seal.
What do your plugs tell you? Gotta be rich.
Last edited by 50vert (5/04/2019 12:33 AM)
Adjustable fuel pressure regulator is the way to set fuel pressure. I use them on any application that isn't using a stock replacement style pump.
If you still have an MSD ignition on the car its unlikely you'll be able to read the plugs. The problem I've noticed over the years with high energy ignitions is that they keep the plugs clean regardless of fuel mixture. Its worth a look, but don't get your hopes up.
Another vote for the vacuum gauge. I have an 82 GT. just took off 2 bl and changed to a QuickFuel 4 barrel. It has 4 corner vacuum adjusting screws. I bought a cheap gauge off Amazon and used it for the first time.
Started the car and it ran "fine". Started adjusting the vacuum. Went from 14 inches to 21 inches of vacuum. Now it runs really fine. There is no gas smell at all.
It is really simple to do. QuickFuel has a couple of install videos that go thru how to do it. If I can do it without any questions, anyone can!
Could it be the fuel you are buying?? Or where you buy it at? just spit balling.
50Vett and TKO :
I did check the Plugs, about 100's....I forgot to mention That has been part of my Process; TKO you must have nailed it cause they Always show up nearly perfect....I couldnt understand why until reading what you said....Didnt Know MSD had that effect!
we have had consistent crappy weather here in Southern Ontario (cloudy wet and rain) for a week now, next opportunity Im going to do the VAC GAUGE
thanks guys,
ill keep you posted
I think you are jetted way too rich. My 427 runs on 68 primaries. You are smelling unburned fuel. Exhaust fumes that are the result of fuel burned close to the ideal stoichiometric ratio will not generate that smell.
I have fought this problem as well. One thing I have determined that an air filter that does not have sufficient air ghorn clearance can contribute to this problem. Not sure how or why, but I suspect it causes more air flow at idle to have to go through a smaller space, speeding up the flow and causing a more significant vacuum signal above the air bleeds around the perimeter of the air horn. No idea if that is true or not, but I know certain shorter air cleaners will cause the exhaust to stink and, when changed to a 289 HIPO air cleaner, the stink goes away. Who know if that is your problem, but it just gives one more thing to think about.
I also agree an 850 carb is going to be way too rich. You stated the problem existed also with a 650, so maybe that was overjetted as well. You will pick up significant HP by getting the ratio right. With an air/fuel ratio gauge installed, it is simple to get it jetted correctly. Without one, it is just guesswork, luck or the results of a lot of experience and test runs/reading spark plugs to just get it close.
I feel your pain!
Thank you MS....I appreciate the Input tremendously....
may I ask for you to clarify what youre speaking of with the Air Horn and Filter stuff please.....My setup is custom, cause when I purchased the car the hood .had a whole cut in it......So I figured Id utilize this as a "Ram Air" type design and have a 7" filter sticking partially through it....the factory bottom half houses a second stick type filer and the large diameter Lip of the breather has a tall rubber seal to mate to the hood....I can send a photo when I figure out how to do so!....
Lastly, by using the "vac gauge" to get it Jetted Correctly as you stated, does this mean I decrease the jets and reset carb with Vac Gauge each time?? i think thats the method youre suggesting, but doesnt that still describe a guessing game until I get it correct?
many thanks,
Hold on a minute, there's a misunderstanding on the gauges to use. A vacuum gauge will help you get the idle mixture right, but its useless for anything other than that.
What MS is talking about is an air/fuel ratio gauge. These use an oxygen sensor in the exhaust to determine the ratio of the air/fuel mixture being burned.
yes clearly confused TKO....thanks for clearing that up....
so does this mean I need to use both a vac. gauge and the Air/Fuel Mixture gauge???? how do I get my hands on one?
The old way to select jets was reading the plugs, but we know why that's not going to work. Therefore, an air/fuel ratio gauge is your best option. They are commonly available, but not all created equal. My preference would be this one made by AEM:
This has the ability to data log as well, so you can take the car for a drive, record what's going on with the A/F ratio and then makes changes based on real world experience. Ideally you are shooting for about 12.5:1 A/F ratio at peak torque. You can lean out the cruise to more like stoich (14.7:1), maybe even a little leaner. In general, once warmed up you are going to operate in a very narrow A/F ratio of 12:1-15:1. I'd advise reading up on this stuff. There's a lot to consider.
Alright so the Update:
~changed primaries to 67 and secondaries to 71 (before was 71/73)
---->I did notice less stench but that could be cause it was a tad windy and it was just moving the air so well??? but still once window is cracked you smell car, ESP on WOT....
~Adjusted the Mixture Screws, BUT, for some reason the Drivers SIde adjustment likes to be in! It can run just fine Seated!?!?! when turned out too far it sputters, but it was only 0.5-0.75 turns from being seated.
~from this test drive point the car now has the quick "Drop" when hard(er) accel. is done.....you know, what feels like a "quick kickdown"??......before it didnt not do that so need to figure out if thats fuel supply or Mixture....
~lastly i dont know if I bought the wrong Gauge for vacuum but it claimed it was a vacuum gauge.....I would like to send a video to someone if thats possible, but it does not drop to 0 when throttling.....actually the numbers increase....??
**I cant seem to uplaod any images....tried 2 browsers and both are not working (no option or select and add an image once its clicked)
Last edited by M1Mustang69 (5/08/2019 10:59 AM)
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