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Hi again , problem solved with high idle i take a ride to see how it goes .
seems fine from zero to half gas pedal , then if i go on , stumble and like a machine gun start to bangs quickly .
Does not accept the pedal to metal , and rpm rise very slowly bucause i cant be too rude with pedal.
when i try to go fast and car stumble i feel petrol smell in air .
I need to lean it or rich ? or change spring hg ?
Do you have a gas leak somewhere that lowers the amount of fuel the carb is getting? That might explain your symptoms.
lowercasesteve wrote:
Do you have a gas leak somewhere that lowers the amount of fuel the carb is getting? That might explain your symptoms.
Hi , no leaks and no gas smell at idle , only on load or pedal to metal refuse .
check sparks and are very dark . seems too rich .
just ordered the calibration kit . As first i will try to lean and set a different spring hg
Alessandro.................. Tell us your complete set-up.......... Cam specs......compression.....cu.in........intake....exhaust set-up...etc. Then we can help you guess!
Back to basics, make sure everything else is correct before making big changes. Things like timing, choke action, temperature, …….. And what Carb are you using?
6sally6 wrote:
Alessandro.................. Tell us your complete set-up.......... Cam specs......compression.....cu.in........intake....exhaust set-up...etc. Then we can help you guess!
Yeah , you are so right ! i forgot to tell the basics . 1403 edelbrock 500cfm
289 stock , total rebuild service 1 year ago . Compression ( stated from mechanic should be 10: 1 , but i cant be cert)
stock intake , stock distributor ,pertonix ignitor , flame thrower coil , hedman long tubes . I don't know nothin about cam specs then stock .
By now choke is counterclock at lean and fast idle screw is out . Now is better than beginnin with dark smoke and too high rpm at start .
Yesterday i was playing with distributor and strobe light but suddenly broke and no more flashing ! god i need a new one ! .
Before i play with distributor , advance was good for 4100 autolite .
Using edelbrock 500 seems primaries are fine , but under hard acceleration stall , or stumble . Now comes difficult for me explain due to lack of terms . I can feel at pedal when secondaries opens start problems , seems bangin repetively , not for backfire . I need to push pedal very slowly or drawn , when i push hard i can feel unburnt gas smell from front . dark coal sparks plug .
I can barely feel that power is hidden and want to comes out , but is not well carburated . Exaust tone now is louder , this means is breathing well .
For sure i need to set up timing once again and also total vacuum advance . Maybe i have played too much with this two .
Then i will lean secondaries and springs when i recive calibrating kit, until that i can only do timing .
thanks !
the 4100 was unbeatable easy to set up and do not give me any issue . This one was setted lean , spark were clear and mileage really good .
Don't touch the step up springs.
If you smell gas the carb is too rich. Are you still running the factory jets and rods?
I run a similar setup and went two steps lean on cruise and power. BUT, I'm very close to sea level. If you are higher up you will need less fuel.
You have to get the jets and rods right, then if it still stumbles I would take a look at the accelerator pump. You can increase the size of the pump shot if its too lean, or decrease it if its too rich.
TKOPerformance wrote:
Don't touch the step up springs.
If you smell gas the carb is too rich. Are you still running the factory jets and rods?
I run a similar setup and went two steps lean on cruise and power. BUT, I'm very close to sea level. If you are higher up you will need less fuel.
You have to get the jets and rods right, then if it still stumbles I would take a look at the accelerator pump. You can increase the size of the pump shot if its too lean, or decrease it if its too rich.
Yes i am running factory jets rod and step up spring . Why not touch step up springs ?
In my experience the springs don't do much tuning wise on an engine like yours. I swapped from the lightest to the stiffest and noticed no difference in how the car ran, so I just put the factory springs back in and left it alone. The springs should only be a factor if the car has a bigger cam from what I've read.
I would start leaning the carb out per Edelbrock's instructions. Lean out the cruise until you get a surge at a steady speed, then go back one step richer. I would go two steps lean on both cruise and power and see how it runs. If it improves, but doesn't surge go ahead and go one step leaner. I found 3 steps caused mine to surge, so I went back to the 2 step combo and it runs and drives great.
I just recived the calibrating kit for this 500 cfm edelbrock 1403 . Start to remove the old stuff and surprise surprise was settled for 600 - Rods , and jet .
You know what : NEVER TRUST SELLER THAT SAYS THAT HAS BEEN OPEN, SET A EDELBROCK KIT AND TEST BEFORE SHIP . Rods size is also not provided in the tuining kit , comes from quadrajet ( i understand that are same but size not )
Probably they never open it , simply repackage it and sell as LIKE NEW ! .
Now start to retune with leaner rods and jets .
A lot to learn ! life is hard school
Ok , got the calibratng kit and start from leaning rods , jets and secondaries . I am following the edelbrock charts and i am using nr 6 lean .
its not going bad , there still something wrong with accel pump , but i cant say is going bad .
Moved the accel pump bracket from low ( lean ) to center ( stock ) but is going worst , seems stall due to overfill . Need to press pedal very lightly to pass this " uncertain " moment , then goes good , feel strong progression in the mid zone . Top end seems more flat and long to take . And no more than 4500 rpm . Engine scream like an eagle ! .
Now i have taken more feelings with edel and seems very easy to tune . Today i am gonna change something to have a better response from starts / low rpm .
Just a question : following edel charts i have matched rods with main jets as described , but can i change only rods and keep same main jets ? Or this couple is made as is and when needed , must change with another couple defined by edel ?
Thanks !
did another attempt with 1 step rich metering rod . same jets . blue springs ( lighter ) Set the accel pump bracket at lower . Ride is better without previous uncertain moment of stall . Is better transition moment . Then rpm rise up good with some / little backfiring or misfiring . Top end is almost flat but i think can give better . The secondary jets do have part in this ? now mine are 089 and stock shoud be 095 . need to go bigger ?
Thanks !
What's the elevation where you live?
josh-kebob wrote:
What's the elevation where you live?
111 foot . so i think not important
Rods and jets should be matched per Edelbrock's chart. Sometimes you can just change the rod and go 1 step leaner or richer depending. I would not deviate from their pairings of rods and jets or I think you ask for trouble.
089 jets should be good. That's what I run primary and secondary. But what rod is in them?
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