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12/01/2019 3:46 PM  #1

Dodged a bullet

Final assembly on the diff... torquing the carrier cap bolts... felt it pop at 60.

Luckily it stayed in one piece until it backed all the way out.

Already ordered  the ARP stud kit.


12/01/2019 4:03 PM  #2

Re: Dodged a bullet

MIght have been over torqued previously, the bolt stretch is very evident on the threads of the headed portion.
Cheap insurance using ARP hardware.

Last edited by Rudi (12/01/2019 4:04 PM)

Good work ain't cheap, Cheap work ain't good!   Simple Man

12/01/2019 4:14 PM  #3

Re: Dodged a bullet

Yeah, it felt odd just before "popping"...

Just glad that it's an easy fix.


     Thread Starter

12/01/2019 5:03 PM  #4

Re: Dodged a bullet

I always use cap studs.  Those fasteners get loosened and tightened like a dozen times during gear setup.  Critical fasteners like these should be replaced after a handful of uses, just like cylinder head or main cap bolts.  Its even more critical on a 9" because unlike a Salisbury type rear (8.8, 12 bolts, etc.) you can't run a girdle cover to brace the caps.  Those fasteners are the only things that keep the carrier from being able to move rearwards and when you load a rear hard that's exactly what it tries to do. 


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