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3/04/2020 9:15 AM  #1

Bash reminder

For the past several bashes, attendees like to bring licence plates from their home state,or various plates from their stash, to swap or give away at the bash. So, consider bringing a few with you for that purpose. It will help someone start or add too their existing collection and may just help you by freeing up shelf space in your garage...

Last edited by josh-kebob (3/05/2020 1:11 AM)


3/04/2020 5:37 PM  #2

Re: Bash reminder

I asked this somewhere else, how do we get in contact when we arrive? We don't want to miss anything.

Slammed Big Blue, ran over the varmints that messed with the Stang. Now all is good in the NW

3/04/2020 9:06 PM  #3

Re: Bash reminder

Here's the deal. You're staying at the Bash'll see mustangs in the parking lot and a bunch of hairy legged dudes standing around dem cars. Walk up and introduce yourself...there are no strangers in this group..

Standby, Mike will produce a contact list with cell numbers of attendees in the near future...

     Thread Starter

3/04/2020 9:32 PM  #4

Re: Bash reminder

Just remember, if you get there Friday, you're gunna miss Thursday night.
 Should be quite a few in town on Thursday. I know we'll be.

"Those telephone poles were like a picket fence"

3/04/2020 11:42 PM  #5

Re: Bash reminder

Yup, Thursday nights are good, and worth showing up fur.

Bob. 69 Mach 1, 393W, SMOD Toploader, Armstrong  steering, factory AC.

4/22/2020 10:15 PM  #6

Re: Bash reminder

I think we should leave now and this way we will be there early for next years

Slammed Big Blue, ran over the varmints that messed with the Stang. Now all is good in the NW

Board footera

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