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I'm not able to attend for reasons totally unrelated to the virus. However my wife is in the high risk category as well as her 98 year old mother so it would be irresponsible for me to risk bringing it home to them. That said if I was able to attend I would be watching and waiting at this point. A lot can happen between now and the first of April.
Yes we see and feel all the dangers. My wife is borderline with here kidneys and lungs and I don't want her sick. My biggest fear is we are to meet her grandson in raleigh after the Bash, but now I am having second thoughts because they will be flying back home the night before after spending a week out in Oregon. 2 back to back flights in a plane, I dont think so. We feel much safer out in the car going across the country.
BASH READY from Portland,
Hope this happens Chris
PS its snowing here in March
I pray all is well every one situation is different the Coupe is set for Myrtle Beach For now Maybe make it a two day trip instead of stopping a extra Day in hotel on a 3 day trip if It gets worse I will access it at that time Felicia said she is stilll going!!!!!
My plan to attend is at this point unchanged, but I will continue to monitor the situation. Schools here are closed for the next two weeks. That will be until 3/27, and that should give us an insight into what decision to make on 3/29. If we are still basically under quarantine by that time I think its prudent to call it off. I've really looked forward to meeting everyone, but there's time for that once this is past if canceling is the wise choice.
I can say that what Alessandro is saying about Italy is 100% true. My customer who was there and had to go through quarantine pending the outcome of the test has been in contact with her relatives there and it is to the point where triage now means doctors are literally deciding who to give a respirator because there aren't enough. The older patients who are unlikely to survive anyway are basically being left to die so that younger patients can hopefully recover.
My thinking on this has 100% flipped in the last week. This is real, and its serious. Precautions aren't fear; they're wise. At this point large public gatherings present an unacceptable risk. What josh kebob said about Philly is spot on. During that same time St. Louis banned pubic gatherings almost immediately and had a much, much lower mortality rate as a result.
We'll get through this. Humanity isn't going to be wiped out by a virus; its impossible. There's always a 10% genetic immunity. BUT, how bad it gets may ultimately be up to everyone in terms of arresting the spread and reducing loss of life. Ere on the side of caution, pray, and spend some time with those closest to you. If there's a silver lining to this situation that's probably it. So often we are mired down by our responsibilities that we miss out on what's really important. Times like these actually help us realign our values and see what's most important.
Since I won't be in church this morning: May the Lord's Peace be with you all.
Last edited by TKOPerformance (3/15/2020 5:32 PM)
Didn't we all also get worked up over Hurricane Nate back in 2017? Asking for a friend.
Can't wait until we have a Bash in California so we can have a Earthquake scare.
I just saw this while browsing the news online.
Bearing Bob wrote:
Didn't we all also get worked up over Hurricane Nate back in 2017? Asking for a friend.
I was never concerned I might die as a result of the hurricane. It just wasn’t conducive to keeping my car all in one piece nor having fun at the beach.
I am working from home as of now due to the fact that Seattle is 3 hrs north of us, and our company works at all the Starbucks between southern Or. and Seattle Wa. , about 500 including the ones in Portland. I work in a office outside in the warehouse and see these people every day, they are inside the stores daily. I Don't want to be a carrier and bring something home to my wife or me. I to am still planning this trip as a go.
RV6 wrote:
I just saw this while browsing the news online.
- The White House is considering U.S. travel restrictions to contain the coronavirus outbreak.
Seems its just a matter of time.
I may call 'Donnie' tomorrow...........
I am REALLY wanting to go to the BASH this year. With that said, Jayberry is supposed to fly in from Ohio to help me make the drive and we will, like most, be driving through quite a few states. He's expressed concern over such a exposing trek. I don't know how many folks know this but I have some pretty extreme health issues that involve my immune system as well as other stuff. So the thought of getting this virus doesn't sound good to me. Plus, Melody, my other half, has expressed A LOT of concern over me making the drive. Did I mention I really want to come to the BASH this year?
I'm just waiting and watching. It won't surprise me at this point, 11:30PM March 15, if travel is restricted even more to the point of making the trek to SC near impossible. Nonetheless, I'm watching, waiting, and pondering.
TKOPerformance wrote:
RV6 wrote:
I just saw this while browsing the news online.
- The White House is considering U.S. travel restrictions to contain the coronavirus outbreak.
Seems its just a matter of time.
That'd be my luck ... able to get to LA, but not Myrtle Beach!
Just food for thought ,my son in law is a director at a major hospital in New Orleans. Saturday no cases of
corona virus, Sunday 48 cases reported. At 70+ it makes me think. Hopefully we will all get thru this,God
willing. mustang stu
just heard from granddaughter in Vegas, They are closing casinos on the strip for 2 weeks, Fremont street too. All makes good sense though. This was our first stop on the BASH trip. This may make the BASH ok to do. We really are going to have to wait tell end of month to see if this levels off or keeps climbing.
Last edited by Cab4word67 (3/16/2020 11:58 AM)
After reading the posts on this forum, and listening to President Trump today, I have decided it is in my best interest to cancel plans to attend the Bash next month. I am in the "at risk" group at the age of 73. I was wondering if there might be a possibility to reschedule later in the year? Regardless I need to call the motel tomorrow and cancel my room reservation. I was so looking forward to hearing Mike"s open pipes and doing the Shag; not to mention leaving some tread marks in and around Myrtle Beach.
Tonight at 8pm by order of our governor all restaurants have gone to pick up or delivery only. Gatherings of 50 or ore people are banned for 8 weeks.
6 confirmed cases at the U of D, which is in the town in which I live.
As testing becomes more available and frequent my suspicion is that the number of reported cases will skyrocket and the mortality rate will plummet. It sounds like the biggest concern is those who are already living with compromised immune systems, and those not healthy/strong enough to fight it off. This doesn't lessen the concern. We certainly don't want anyone dying as a result of this, so we all need to take precautions to prevent or reduce the spread. Where that seems most concerning is that folks could have it and not know. They may not ever even get sick.
FYI, if your area is like mine and there's been a run on hand sanitizer, etc. The WHO has a recipe for a home brew, BUT be sure the alcohol you use has sufficient concentration so that the finished product is at least 70% alcohol (that's 140 proof). Typical spirits like Vodka, etc. aren't strong enough unless you can distill them further to remove water and concentrate them. Grain alcohol (Everclear), etc. is what you need. A former science teacher/army medic I know made up a large batch to distribute to her friends and family. I'm typically not a believer in this stuff, but times have changed, and I am still out in the world and working.
Rubbing alcohol also works, but is often sold diluted, and also needs to be at least 70% alcohol to work.
Hydrogen peroxide, even at 0.5% works, and won't damage anything, so if you need to wipe down the car, etc. its a good choice. Typical concentration sold at drug stores is 3%, though you can buy really strong solutions (30+%) of the net and dilute them down.
Bleach works, but requires 10 minutes or so on most surfaces. Don't put it on your skin, and it loses its disinfecting ability after about 24 hours if diluted.
I found plenty of shop towels and white paper "rags" in a box at Lowes, despite the supermarkets being completely out of TP and paper towels. Ancient Roman's wiped their backsides with a sponge soaked in vinegar. Worst comes to worst...
Vinegar soaked sponges!!!!!!!!
Leave it to the Italians!
.............never mind
Hydrogen peroxide sold under the name "Soft Swim C" is made and sold in swiming pool stores that sell BioGurad products. It is 30%. Used in non chlorine treated swimming pools for the shock (oxidizer). Only sold in gallons for around $20.00. It will turn your skin white if you get some on you.
I am holding on to the 29th, dont want my dreams shattered!
Last edited by Cab4word67 (3/16/2020 11:15 PM)
Karol & I were in Vegas a 10 days ago, CV did not seem too worry some then. More information is available in the short passage of time since then. More restrictions are in place, and a greater degree of Caution is now advised.
2+2 Miss May is 56 years old now, butt able to make the trip, I'm closing on 72 and am very ready to go, Karol too.
However we'll be reserving commitment till at least the 29th. jkb's history refresher of Philly in 1918 are very sobering.
Just wondering, can we push the Bash date to a few months later??
I know we all want to go to the BASH but if it has to be postponed I will be ok with it. I want everyone to be able to go, not just a few. I would drop everything to go and any date will work. But I'm ready now
Cab4word67 wrote:
I know we all want to go to the BASH but if it has to be postponed I will be ok with it. I want everyone to be able to go, not just a few. I would drop everything to go and any date will work. But I'm ready now
josh-kebob wrote:
we're fine with a wait and see position and will re-evaluate at your proposed deadline. Perhaps the efforts of the U.S. actions will show this virus is no longer a threat. Until then, we'll do our best to remain healthy with the hopes of seeing everyone in MB.
I like this thinking.
Ed, we’ll meet ya at the beach in Arizona!😁
This is getting serious now. TN. is out of Keystone Lite....
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