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Bullet Bob wrote:
Nothing that detailed...or nice. I'm still the master of the single point landing so I fly foam. I do have three balsa models, two trainer types and am just finishing a little Sig kit. I let my friend test fly them but until I feel there's a chance I can bring 'em home in one chunk I stick to foam.
That is a real beauty, Rudi. My test pilot and I went to the "Warbirds Over the Rockies" meet last Sept. in Denver. I'll drag out some pix...I'm sure there's a Mustang in there...and post 'em in the next day or so.
Very sorry to hear that you broke that beauty. My son gave me a T-shirt for Xmas: "Build It - Fly It - Crash It - Rebuild It" My story.
There's also a couple of other RC guys on here...BobC and Corky...maybe others.
Jr. (the one that came to the Clinton Bash) has some foam birds. He also has a buddy box and lets all the neighborhood kids fly right next to him (and occasionally, me). One of the foam birds has a bunch of LED's built in it, and we fly at night.
My employment is considered "essential" so I travel (3 miles) to the office daily. There's 3 of us here, all over 60.... I support the other 30 younger folks that work remotely.
Last edited by TimC (3/24/2020 10:43 AM)
Nos681 wrote:
A coworker said one the Bars was having some kind of raffle.
“The #2 prize was a pack of toilet paper” 😂
Kind of makes us regret toilet-papering all those houses during our misspent youth, doesn’t it!
Looks like the lockup we are experiencing will let us post about our other hobbies that most have no idea we participate in.
Rudi wrote:
Bullet Bob wrote:
Rudi wrote:
Yeah Bob, the t shirt says it all, rc models are all terminal.
The guy that ramrods that meet in Denver has an F104...about 10' long and turbine powered. The word is that he has about $60K invested in it (he's a local Ford dealer). If I can make it load one of these days I'll post the video of it taking off. Totally awesome except during that flight it suffered a flame-out and crashed. His response when we talked to him was, "if you fly these things and never crash...you really ain't flying." There were four other crashes of really nice models flow by guys who really know what they are doing. Made me feel a little better about my abilities.
If you hone your skills on inexpensive arf’s you will develop confidence, eventually.
My issue was that at the time the radio’s, 27.255 mega hertz, were not reliable and that their performance did not match my building skills.
I could accept my goof ups but not the radios failures.
You tube has some great videos on RC, I like watching them and reminiscing.
Thanks for the encouragement, Rudi. I get a kick out of building 'em. Nothing real sophisticated but building is building. One of these days I'll get to where I fly 'em.
Bullet Bob wrote:
Rudi wrote:
Yeah Bob, the t shirt says it all, rc models are all terminal.
The guy that ramrods that meet in Denver has an F104...about 10' long and turbine powered. The word is that he has about $60K invested in it (he's a local Ford dealer). If I can make it load one of these days I'll post the video of it taking off. Totally awesome except during that flight it suffered a flame-out and crashed. His response when we talked to him was, "if you fly these things and never crash...you really ain't flying." There were four other crashes of really nice models flow by guys who really know what they are doing. Made me feel a little better about my abilities.
I once built a model that flew with control lines. I had flown some other assembled control line models, so I sorta knew how they worked. Well, the normal engine for this was a .049 with standard length control lines. Like a new hot rodder, bigger was better. I installed a .051 TeeDee engine - and a long range fuel tank. It turned up way more rpms than the .049. I took off with it and it was a screamer. I did everything wrong. Lines were too short, engine too fast, too much fuel. I got so dizzy trying to keep up with it (even with multiple loops both directions to let me catch my breath) I finally fell down and augered it in. Lesson learned.
Ron68 wrote:
Bullet Bob wrote:
Rudi wrote:
Yeah Bob, the t shirt says it all, rc models are all terminal.
The guy that ramrods that meet in Denver has an F104...about 10' long and turbine powered. The word is that he has about $60K invested in it (he's a local Ford dealer). If I can make it load one of these days I'll post the video of it taking off. Totally awesome except during that flight it suffered a flame-out and crashed. His response when we talked to him was, "if you fly these things and never crash...you really ain't flying." There were four other crashes of really nice models flow by guys who really know what they are doing. Made me feel a little better about my abilities.
BBI once built a model that flew with control lines. I had flown some other assembled control line models, so I sorta knew how they worked. Well, the normal engine for this was a .049 with standard length control lines. Like a new hot rodder, bigger was better. I installed a .051 TeeDee engine - and a long range fuel tank. It turned up way more rpms than the .049. I took off with it and it was a screamer. I did everything wrong. Lines were too short, engine too fast, too much fuel. I got so dizzy trying to keep up with it (even with multiple loops both directions to let me catch my breath) I finally fell down and augered it in. Lesson learned.
Thanks Ron...what visual. LMAO!!
Back in the 60's my dad flew RC's and they were a lot different than those today. He also flew control line in competition and that got me hooked. I still have two that I fly today. Both were built in the 70's, although I recovered the wings 2 years ago. The Buster sports a FOX-35 while the Streak sports a FOX-19. Both engines are from the 60's.
They both have come back as sticks more times than I can remember. I do have a NOS Buster kit ready to build and fly.
Last edited by RV6 (3/24/2020 4:35 PM)
Bullet Bob wrote:
Ron68 wrote:
Bullet Bob wrote:
The guy that ramrods that meet in Denver has an F104...about 10' long and turbine powered. The word is that he has about $60K invested in it (he's a local Ford dealer). If I can make it load one of these days I'll post the video of it taking off. Totally awesome except during that flight it suffered a flame-out and crashed. His response when we talked to him was, "if you fly these things and never crash...you really ain't flying." There were four other crashes of really nice models flow by guys who really know what they are doing. Made me feel a little better about my abilities.
BBI once built a model that flew with control lines. I had flown some other assembled control line models, so I sorta knew how they worked. Well, the normal engine for this was a .049 with standard length control lines. Like a new hot rodder, bigger was better. I installed a .051 TeeDee engine - and a long range fuel tank. It turned up way more rpms than the .049. I took off with it and it was a screamer. I did everything wrong. Lines were too short, engine too fast, too much fuel. I got so dizzy trying to keep up with it (even with multiple loops both directions to let me catch my breath) I finally fell down and augered it in. Lesson learned.
Thanks Ron...what visual. LMAO!!
.051 TD Cox wow been a while since I heard that. It brought back memories when I was about 10 years old bench running aTD .049. I carelessly reached for the needle valve at the back of the gas tank, the prop cut the tip off my finger, it never missed a beat, I had to throw a rag into the prop to stop it before running like hell to the local docs office.
A box full of engines. The McCoy 35 on the bottom with the yellow prop is a NOS that I ran for the first time last year.
Last edited by RV6 (3/24/2020 4:50 PM)
I make little wooden boxes during the cool/rainy weather!
I once watched a couple of RC cars these fellas had running in an empty parking lot. Man were those little engines scream'in! They cranked them up by spinning a tricycle wheel and setting the car tire on it.
I guess most guyz use battery powered RC cars now?! The lil gas engines seemed like more fun
The last RC car I built has a 9 turn brushed engine. Its so fast as to be almost uncontrollable, and that's with a speed control that has both adjustable traction control and ABS built in! Its AWD and will easily smoke all 4 wheels at will. even with the traction control on max.
What I will say is that battery life is incredibly short. A 3800 mAh battery gets me like 10-12 minutes of run time, and I have to run a heat sink on it to avoid cooking it.
A gas engine would have a much longer run time. They are considerably more expensive though. I have about half what a gas car kit would cost in my electric that has every aftermarket part on it available.
The body is a show body I did. I never risk running it on the car unless I'm just putzing it around. I have a beater body I run that's all held together with foil tape from being cracked up so many times.
.051 TD Cox wow been a while since I heard that. It brought back memories when I was about 10 years old bench running aTD .049. I carelessly reached for the needle valve at the back of the gas tank, the prop cut the tip off my finger, it never missed a beat, I had to throw a rag into the prop to stop it before running like hell to the local docs office.
IDK but I guess we were 13 years old at the time. My buddy and I built a sled, basically an A-frame engine mount on top of two runners that were about 3/4" wide and 18" long. We mounted a Fox .35 on the A-Frame swinging a 12" diameter nylon pusher prop. No controls, no nothing. Just start the engine and let her rip down the street. It was friggin cold and the engine did not want to start. I was hand flipping the prop when it finally started and I managed to get my middle finger, right hand, back into the whirling prop. Damn near cut the finger off. My first trip the the emergency room happened that day as they sewed my finger back on at the second joint.
To quote Jeff Foxworthy..."Hurt like hell, didn't it?" "He'll learn."
RV6 wrote:
Damn near cut the finger off.
Education is not free.
RV6 wrote:
.051 TD Cox wow been a while since I heard that. It brought back memories when I was about 10 years old bench running aTD .049. I carelessly reached for the needle valve at the back of the gas tank, the prop cut the tip off my finger, it never missed a beat, I had to throw a rag into the prop to stop it before running like hell to the local docs office.
IDK but I guess we were 13 years old at the time. My buddy and I built a sled, basically an A-frame engine mount on top of two runners that were about 3/4" wide and 18" long. We mounted a Fox .35 on the A-Frame swinging a 12" diameter nylon pusher prop. No controls, no nothing. Just start the engine and let her rip down the street. It was friggin cold and the engine did not want to start. I was hand flipping the prop when it finally started and I managed to get my middle finger, right hand, back into the whirling prop. Damn near cut the finger off. My first trip the the emergency room happened that day as they sewed my finger back on at the second joint.
Probably got my first shock of electricity in the basement experimenting around 8 or 9 years old. Sliced my hand bad with a pen knife for the first time around the same time. As Bearing Bob said education ain't free, Today they would through our parents in jail for letting us do those things unsupervised. Are kids even aloud to carry a pen knife today?
"Sometimes we got cut or burnt. That's how we learned that things were sharp and hot." - Hank Hill
I try to let me own kids do stuff the way I used to. Of course the other day it meant my oldest comes into the house saying "Dad my 4 wheeler won't run". I said "It won't run, or it won't crank". He said "It cranks, but it won't start. I just put gas in it". So I look at it, it tries to run, but keeps petering out like its running out of fuel. I open the tank, full. I start to think what could it be, then that sickening feeling creeps up in my gut and I take the gas cap off again and have a wiff. Doesn't smell like gas. "Son, go get me a screwdriver and that empty gallon jug from the shed". "What happened dad, I just put gas in it." "No son, you put Diesel in it". Ugh, fortunately it has a tank less than a gallon in size. BUT, unlikely he ever does that again as I taught him the difference in smell between gas and Diesel, as well as to see if the can has something written on it in Sharpie like "50:1" that's gas, but not for his 4 wheeler.
REMEMBER!!! When posting a question about your Mustang or other Ford on this forum, BE SURE to tell us what it is, what year, engine, etc so we have enough information to go on. |