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Hi fellas,
It's been a while since I've posted. My I-pad died and I don't usually get on PC at night.
I am working on 65 FB, for my brother in-law. He had the tranny re-built 6 yrs ago, but the car has never really been derivable. It's getting there. I was going to take car to muffler shop and when I put it in reverse it poured fluid all over. Mind you it only moved about 6ft. It also slipped trying to get into gear, had to gas it a little and it kicked in.
It looks like its leaking from driver side servo.
Is this an easy fix or do I need to take it to a tranny shop. FYI, I know nothing about transmissions.
Thanks for your help.
Last edited by Ozblitz (4/10/2020 7:19 PM)
Gaba knew nothing about trannys before he rebuilt his AOD. Just saying.
I'm guessing it's a C4? To replace even just a gasket on the reverse servo will usually require the trans be removed. There's not much room in the tunnel to remove the servo. And the valve body may have to be removed, as the reverse band usually slips out of position when the servo is removed.
Being that you're unfamiliar with auto trannys, and it's not yours, the trans shop looks like a good idea.
I was afraid of that. Yes it is a C4.
Ozblitz wrote:
I was afraid of that. Yes it is a C4.
Too bad you are so far away. I have a working C-4 looking for a new home. Just looking for some garage points.
Honestly, people treat automatic transmissions like they have voodoo or alien technology in them. They really aren't all that complicated. A three speed like a C4 is about as simple as it gets excepting a GM Powerglide.
I too was initially hesitant, but after repairing and rebuilding several autos over the years I came to the conclusion that if you can follow instructions you can rebuild and repair them. Get a rebuild manual like the one of Ford autos by Haynes, or an ASTG manual for your particular trans.
The real secret is just laying out the parts you take out as them came out and putting them back in the same order and orientation. If you rebuild the whole thing it breaks down into a series of sub assemblies that get rebuilt one at a time and then reassembled. Other than that keep everything clean, clean, clean.
Good to see your voice, Oscar. Sorry for the trouble. How is your own Mustang doing? Hope the family is okay.
Hey BB,
It's good to hear from you. We're all good over here. I'm sorry I haven't been on here more than the past. 2019 was a big change for me. I left the corporate world and went full time Real Estate, and It has consumed a tremendous amount of time.
My 67 is slowly coming along. I have some wiring gremlins, Im trying to sort out. I may have finally found someone to help me with that. I did manage to get my fold down seat and some interior installed. Once wiring is figured out, I can put the carpet in. My car came w/ factory deluxe interior, so it has both consoles.
Hope you and the Mrs's are doing ok?
Last edited by Ozblitz (4/11/2020 9:08 PM)
We're doing just fine, Oscar. Kids are all over in Denver so they can't breath on us. Glad to hear you are in the RE biz. I did that back in 69-71 in So Cal. Got into the biz and COLLECTED my first commission three months after my first day. Figured, "Heck, ain't nuthin' to this." Then the aerospace industry tanked...big time. Every engineer in the world said, "No problem, I'll just get a real estate license."
All the best to you and the family again. Be sure not to breath or touch anything...ever!
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