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So there's a Holley 600CFM DP bolted to a nicely modified 302.
$8kCAN on the build.
So after purchasing this car I recognized the accelerator pedal did blnot have proper travel....there was a vacuum line in the way.
I had to replace the Accel. Pumps and when it was off I noticed the secondary idle circuit was NOT SET HOW HOLLEY recommends it (with just the little bit of that slot showing).. in fact they were closed off.
So now I had tbem set perfeftly, restored throttle travel. I go to start and it was revving really high (obviously). I drop the Main Idle screw till it wasn't even effective and it was still far too high.
So I checked the mixture screws, now that was effective, BUT is that correct? Should I be using the mixture screws to drop RPM and return the vehicles LOPY cam back?.
I have since reduced the secondary idle, rinse and repeat. Still the primary idle screw is innefective.
If I snuff the carb the car dies annnnnd I don't like how long the engine takes to drop RPMs.....meaning it goes up nice with a snap, but is slow (or lags) after you release the throttle.
*is it OK to not have the secondary idle circuit engaged? (Creates slightly more exhaust odour)?????
And why does this carb/engine not seem to like the holley recommended/factory setup for the secondary circuit?
I'd check for vacuum leaks if you are not having luck getting the idle down.
Did it idle fine before you opened the secondary throttle plates more to expose the transfer slot? If so - return the secondary plates to their original position.
I had similar issues with my Holley 600 DP. MS had posted some guidance in 2012 and I responded back in 2014, use the MS search feature for "Holley Carb Tuning".
I should add the while these adjustments helped quite a lot, it got a little better when I switched the adjustable M/E Wagner PCV in 2018, but still runs slightly rich at idle.
Last edited by BobE (4/16/2020 3:53 PM)
Thanks Guys....
Yes It Idled just fine and the primary screw was engaged prior to setting the secondary, it just had a wee bit much of odour....I made an assumption due to the throttle not seating correctly, they adjusted these curb idle screws and mixtures to that Oversight.......
But now with the Secondary set, it doesnt seem to allow the primary to work.....I have backed off the Secondary Curb idle a couple times and its helping......But Mixture Screws are sensitive, min. setting for Both Sides is 0.5 turns out, smooths out with some LOP at 1 turn, beyond that it removes LOP and Idles Too High.....
Bobe: It never ran "rich" but i noticed once I engaged the Secondary Curb Idle the Odours were reduced, which pleases me...
I really need to know if it is common, or OK, to barely have Secondary Curb - to - None at all (meaning closed off)???
Rudi shared this post with us recently on April 1st...no joke.😁
Last edited by Nos681 (4/16/2020 5:38 PM)
Check for vacuum leaks and then.........tell us about your ignition timing(initial/total/any mods to the distributor(timing curve...springs...weights...timing tape)....cam specs too!
Welcome to the best forum on the net!
This should be great, I forgot to mention "extended hot cranking" when starting......that was also improved after setting the secondary idle.....but high revs
Sally I checked for vacuum leaks around the base of the carb using the propane test and Snuffing the carb as mentioned earlier.....no changes with Propane and she died Quickly after snuffing.....actually quicker on the secondary side vs. primary, which obviously means 1 thing....
Im gonna crush that article right now! thanks again and I will Report back!
Be sure the positive secondary closure linkage is closing the secondaries completely. After adjusting the screw to reposition the blades, the linkage may need to be rebent so the secondaries get pushed closed at idle. The mixture screws are not used to set idle speed.
Read that article from April 1. It is very good.
Thanks MS.
I check the secondary shaft each time I adjust the secondary screw to ensure its seated on it. They "close" as far as the screw is set..
....... According to that artical he stresses having the secondary idle set open to pull some fuel to ensure it doesn't go stale or get clogged. What amount is unclear. Im assuming until the primary idle can function?
Thanks for clarifying further on the Mixtures. After reading that article I learned I was tuning them incorrectly, using Half Turns instead of quarter..
I continue to get extended cranking with a Hot engine.....this annoys me, 2 things I hate to have is extended cranking and exhaust odour......these are the reasons I prefer Edel Carbs over Holley, worth the drop in power to have these traits eradicated...
Last edited by M1Mustang69 (4/17/2020 11:22 AM)
So my 3 biggest remaining factors for this carb tuning is this:
-Extended Hot Cranking (Ive adjusted the idle circuits multiple times and it runs and purrs like a Mildly Lopey kitten; Mixture screws and front idle fully engaged and functional)
-In the "lower RPM range of Every Gear, The Car Jumps with the Snap of a Throttle, then feels like a slight hesitation (dips), then responds (jumps back into) properly and roars with normal/proper power......this was not present before tinkering with the idles and mixtures (i did notice the primary accel. pump arm adjustment had too much play so I seated to what I think is correct from the videos and years of working on Holleys)
-Both Front and Back Accel. Pump Arms do not sit 0.015 loose at WOT as suggested in the article....They actually seem to be tighter???? which is interesting because this carb is 3yrs old MAX and I just had to replace both pumps (never had to replace one on any of the 3 cars after rebuilding them and driving them for years, one for 6yrs straight)
Last edited by M1Mustang69 (4/19/2020 4:59 AM)
How is your fuel line routed?
Timing possibly?
Last edited by Nos681 (4/19/2020 7:37 AM)
Again...........what about the timing........cam specs?
Hesitation is often blamed on carb adj. when timing tweak'in is the answer.
Jus say'in
I dont have these specs yet, but all this was not present when they had the idle set with a the scondaries seated and the throttle not having full range......it began after I started making changes....
I will send a photo of my Engine Bay......anyone know why the accel. pumps are receiving proper clearence at WOT?
I even tested this by loosening the primary until there was play, but at WOT it was tight......
was the article incorrect with this 0.05 space at WOT?
QUOTE:Accelerator Pump arm adjustment: The accelerator pump arm must not be loose at idle. The .015 clearance is measured at wide open throttle (engine off!). This is to prevent damage to the pump arm and diaphragm. You may need to adjust the external spring one way or the other to get it tight at idle, yet still have the .015 clearance at WOT.
Kneada pitcher!
Last edited by 6sally6 (4/19/2020 5:15 PM)
I don’t see an obvious problem with fuel feed.
Very nice by the way
Especially placement of filter.
Don’t have to spill gas on intake.
What port do you have vacuum connected to?
Ported or full manifold?
Initial timing?
See if starting changes
Remember to do one and if it doesn’t work, reset and try something different.
Otherwise you won’t know what really improves starting.
When troubleshooting stuff like this, I try to remember to take notes or pictures before adjusting.
It has saved me more than once...especially if it carries over to next day, week, or month.
Now, what did I have for dinner yesterday?😁.
Last edited by Nos681 (4/19/2020 5:27 PM)
It would be great if you removed the air cleaner so we could actually SEE THE CARBURETOR!
Questions in my mind...
Choke adjusted properly? Electric choke?
What fuel pump do you have?
Float adjustment?
Fuel line looks real close to hot zone above tstat housing.
Many more. Pic would help.
I have never owned a Holley that did not start immediately, except one time I had one that leaked down because of a leaking accelerator pump. Replacing the diaphragm cured it.
Where are you located? If nearby we can whip this out quickly.
Last edited by MS (4/19/2020 6:13 PM)
MS wrote:
It would be great if you removed the air cleaner so we could actually SEE THE CARBURETOR!
Questions in my mind...
Choke adjusted properly? Electric choke?
What fuel pump do you have?
Float adjustment?
Fuel line looks real close to hot zone above tstat housing.
Many more. Pic would help.
I have never owned a Holley that did not start immediately, except one time I had one that leaked down because of a leaking accelerator pump. Replacing the diaphragm cured it.
Where are you located? If nearby we can whip this out quickly.
Throughout the 15yrs of now owning 2 classic Mustangs, this website, forum its members and you MS have been the single greatest help, so nothing would bring me pleasure like "Meeting up and whipping it out" but Im in Canada and confident you are not
I need to get my hands on a Timing Gun to make certain of where shes set.....
The Vac Adv. is set to the Vac. Adv. on the Carb, not manifold.
Floats are perfectly level, Pump throws 5-6lbs.
Electric Choke, would that effect warm start?
I'll get a photo of the Carb
The choke will affect it if not set properly. Can also be affecting your high idle speed.
Find my post in the Tips forum on how to set up a Holley electric choke.
OK MS I am obv. Not a seasoned mechanic or lived through the 60-70's during the heart of this era, but im pretty experienced and a quick learner.. im tech savy and capable, that being said I took apart the choke system again and inspected Carefully. Everything moves freely, I cant see where or how the cold idle could be sticking or affecting the curb idle (which was resolved several days ago)
Newer experiences: the past couple cold starts the car takes LONG to open the choke, my alt. Is throwing 7v, is that normal?????..........worse off, it fires right up, higher idle no sputtering, but after about a minute of this give or take, ill snap the throttle to try and bring her down, it will wine down slowly to a little less than the initial cold start, but then slowly CLIMB higher and higher to about 3500-4000rpm. .
If I get out and lock the choke open (before the coil fully opens) it will idle fine. Holley's are a racket.
Next time that idle speed creeps up high, take your finger and push the red fast idle cam down, right where the arrow is pointing. You might have to slightly open the throttle for it to be able to move, but just try that to see if the red cam is holding it open.
If it drops speed when you move the cam, follow my trick and slice the lowest step off that cam with a razor blade. You will still get fast idle at warmup but it won’t get stuck on the third step. Or just set the choke a bit leaner. Be sure the choke element loop in the end of the spring is around the tank on the choke’s linkage inside the heater chamber.
Sounds like you have your choke wired to an ignition coil wire, since you only get 7 volts. The choke will work alot better if you wire it to a 12 volt source such as the ignition switch, prior to the pink resistor wire that feeds the coil. With the engine cold and about room temp, the choke should just barely snap shut when the throttle is moved. (Key off).
Float level should be set so gas is at the very bottom of the sight hole. You should have to jiostle the car to get fuel to come out the hole.
Holley carbs are great if you take the time to set them up properly.
MS, I had the choke wired directly to my Alt. AUX stud (which by fords standard, thats where they wired their elec. Chokes from, I just assumed it was 12v)------As of Now I made an Adapter to Steal 12v from my Reverse Lights and I put an Inline 10AMP fuse, is that a good number or should It be Higher than 10??? and you are right, choke works 100x's better with a Solid 12!
As for the Carb, still working on it.....I really do Not Want to Try 5 PV, 3 sets of Jetting for each bowel, different Nozzel sizes ect ect ect......Such A Racket!
I have it running strong and good, Hot Starts are still bullshine (extended cranking) and I feel as if the FUMES has gotten worse (and I even reduced the Fuel Float Level Lower) Do I focus on Mixture Screws for the Idle Odour??
I also Feel the FUEL Economy is not nearly as good as my 69 with the 351W was with a 750DP modded very relatively with respects to 302/351 comparison part upgrades. I can almost watch my Fuel Gauge Drop on 20min cruises to all the same destinations I used to take in my 69....before I could do a 20min highway drive one way and back to the neighbouring city, so total of 40min of driving and the it would move less than 1/8.......Now it a solid 1/8 of a tank, if Im lucky.
im going to keep at it but Would still prefer a Edel AVS or AVS2 (preferred, so if anyone has one 650 or 700)
I'm not an ace carburetor guy, but are you sure the choke is adjusted correctly? The one on my car and one in a shelf both have the wire terminals pointedd in a different direction than yours and the choke worked great.
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