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So the AL intake and 500cfm 4bbl Edel was added last season....worked PERFECTLY.
This season all of the sudden It will Randomly DIE with Little warning if any at the Literal transition from Stop to Accel.....no joke, the instant the throttle is pressed!
Half Throttle or Greater it has a Hesitation...(Go, no go, Go, no go, go go, no go, no go, go ect) you know that feeling, as if its starving for fuel?
0 variables changed from last year to now, Any common issues that woud cause this?
What Ive Tried Yielding 0 results:
-Adjusting Pump Shot
-Checked for vacuum leaks (engine snuffs out)
-Filled Tank with Fresh Fuel (trying to rule out Fuel Moisture during these HUMID DAYS)
car starts and drives fine under half throttle!
Theory was Vapour Lock! so i purchased a Wood Spacer.......Car did not Stall once all day until this one drive leaving the driveway! So WEIRD! (fyi car only did the transistion stall after driven (Hot) never cold.
Extremely Frustrating!
Clogged up exhaust........rat nest/squirrel nut hide out.
Never thought to look at the exhaust....hmmmmm
how the heck does someone clean that nonsense out?
forgot to include the fuel pump is a few years old too......
could a bad fuel pick up on the sending unit cause it, or a clogged fuel filter (even thought thats 2yrs old too)
I would try fuel filter first, if you haven’t already.
Next I would verify fuel discharge is consistent after the pump. Since you mentioned a “no change” initially from last year.
Since it’s an Edelbrock, remove top cover and inspect to see if anything obvious, like float problem, varnish build up, or junk in fuel bowl.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Guys, going to start now
When something ran fine when parked, and then didn't, I've found its a waste of time to try adjusting things to solve the issue. Whatever setup you had in the carb, timing, etc. are all proven to work. The problem was induced by it sitting. Those settings didn't move on their own. So step 1 is to put everything back the way it was.
Step 2 is to look at the easy things first. I'm with Nos681 as the first step would be to replace the fuel filter, and then inspect the bowls in the carb.
Agreed 100% TKO.
Bowels Look nice and clean....I removed the filter and noticed a decent improvement....but it degraded as the engine got hotter and hotter.
I did also notice the good flow in the rad, but when I first cracked the Cap, it was foaming....then as i throttled it, it would foam over again, up and down, up and down.....I figured there was air in the system so I let it percolate..did the throttle again after several minutes and it was would foam up but much less.....till it essentially didnt anymore....
Im wondering if the head gasket is pushing pressure into the system?
Still getting "what feels like lean condition with higher RPM and ONLY HALF-WOT throttle positions-----thats what seem to degrade the more I drove it........even experienced what sounded like and seemed like backfiring (again only half-throttle and greater and higher rpm)
bizzare it would just happen!
I would be looking at fuel delivery. Filter, internal tank filter and fuel pump. Stock fuel pumps are cheap and easy to replace. DO NOT run it without a fuel filter, especially if you might be having related problems.
Next is ignition coil. Failure mode is they lose power as the engine temperature increases, or as load increases.
If you suspect a head gasket issue, a radiator shop can check to see if the system is holding pressure, and can check for products of combustion in the coolant.
I would agree that swapping fuel pumps would be a prudent next step.
On the radiator and possible HG issue I would first wonder if the system has an overflow bottle. If the cooling system is being over pressurized the level in the bottle will go up.
I'm also wondering what type of ignition you are running?
Thanks MS and TKO...
Car is 100% bone stock and original except for the intake and 500cfm Edel...Ignition is stock...
-car has a new Coil installed last summer.
-pump 3 or 4 summers ago
-another new clear filter ====== the Levels in the Filter show from FULL SOLID to BONE DRY!
i was thinking the transition from stop to accel, and the Higher RPM hesitation was due to Vapour Lock so we just added a Wood Spacer........results yielded 0.
but that clear filter is telling a good story! intermittently goes Bone Dry, then can be a solid half full and even FILLED entirely........wtf is going on!
we ordered a fuel sending unit because he has had the car for 40+ yrs and hasnt changed it, but the inconsistent fuel levels in the filter would mostly point to pump no? and if so, how can it pump and not pump???
I've never seen vapor lock effect anything other than a car that has been sitting.
If the ignition is stock I would look at the points and condenser, or better yet get rid of them and install a Pertronix. When I had points the first thing I would suspect when something wasn't right was the points. I carried a spare set in my glove box and could change them in maybe 2-3 minutes.
ok but the key issues here are:
ONLY WHEN HOT, Car will very randomly DIE the literal instant you release the brake from a stop and just Touch the Throttle.....it shows very little signs with a very mild rougher idle, but the very instant you touch the throttle it will just die....
second, higher RPM hesitation.......so as each gear goes to change at the higher RPM range (accelerating with half throttle or greater) it hesitates. as if its starving for fuel.....
clear fuel filter will be FULL to the brim at times, others half and other times bone dry....im assuming these are related, but also not certain
Heat related points to ignition component.
Points, condenser, coil.
From what you're describing above.........your "new" fuel pump is crap....or the sock on the fuel pick up (in the tank) is clogged.
The little glass fuel filter should remain full or near about when the engine is running.
Precisely 6Sally.....Fuel Sending unit/Pickup was first on my list and I just picked one up.....the owner (good friend of mine) has had the car for almost 40yrs and never changed it, so starting with that.......
MS that was next on our list.....New Points and Condenser.......the coil is 1yr old so Im going to assume (dangerous I know) its not that so start with Points and Condenser......
Anyone know of of a product to clean the inside of the Gas Tank????? CLR? lol
M1Mustang69 wrote:
Precisely 6Sally.....Fuel Sending unit/Pickup was first on my list and I just picked one up.....the owner (good friend of mine) has had the car for almost 40yrs and never changed it, so starting with that.......
MS that was next on our list.....New Points and Condenser.......the coil is 1yr old so Im going to assume (dangerous I know) its not that so start with Points and Condenser......
Anyone know of of a product to clean the inside of the Gas Tank????? CLR? lol
Yes, get a new gas tank
I asked if there was a product to clean it. Of course new is ideal but this person does not want to spend the money, clearly, so new is not the obvious answer, like it would be for most of us obviously.
Let's stick to answering the questions asked
Consider what happens when you try to clean it, it doesn't work and you're stuck where you need a new one anyway. The internet is literally littered with horror stories about gas tank cleaners and sealers. The ONLY reason to use those products is if you have some rare, or oddball vehicle for which they simply don't make a replacement tank. If a vehicle has sat for a long time its always good practice to put a new tank in it.
You can test an ignition coil. Pretty easy with a multi meter. I've yet to see one pass those tests and still be bad.
True True, and I understand, but this isnt my car and my money.....its his situation unfortunately.
He's wanted a fastback since purchased in the early 80's (when he was 16). Started a family and now waited too long given their prices. his car was "neglected" for years when the kids were growing and prior to WAS DRIVEN, so it is a complete, Somewhat Solid Driver....over the past years (me moving in) hes throw some money at her to get it to look nicer again, and well just drive better.......but its been spread out and there has to be a limit, car wouldnt be worth All New random parts like this, just needs to be drive-able.
would CLR help, I know it was joke but would it not help with rust?
I would suggest isolating the body hard line and carefully use carb cleaner and compressed air in both directions to see if something is in the line.
Place a rag over the end to catch anything as well as preventing gas spraying all over the place.
Start with low pressure then increase as needed.
Last edited by Nos681 (7/10/2020 5:23 AM)
I may have missed this in the threads but have you tried running the car with gas can and a rubber hose to isolate the fuel line and tank just to see if it is the tank or not. Also it is easy to pull the sending unit out. mine was clogged solid from the car sitting for 5 years with a half a tank.
He has to be made to understand that there is such a thing as false economy. At this point in my life my time is simply too valuable to waste on a project someone doesn't want to do right. Its come back to bite me too many times.
Buying a new tank is not frivolous when the existing one is in questionable condition. I wouldn't waste 5 minutes of my time trying to clean a tank that's readily available and not absurdly expensive. At this point I barely get time to work on my own stuff, so going down a rabbit hole on someone else's project just isn't worth it to me. I'm all for helping friends, and even at times complete strangers, but if they aren't going to listen then it begs the question why are they talking to me? There's all kinds of reasons to help people and that people seek out help. Be careful you aren't being taken advantage of by a guy crying poorhouse who just doesn't want to do what's required and places no value on your time. The voice of unfortunate personal experience here.
Eddie carb added last year?
New or used?
How long did old gas sit in carb?
I had similar problem after 7 years of storage and occasionally startup to hear it run...life happens.
It ran great for a couple of weeks then would die and idle like crap.
Tank was fairly new, cleaned out body hard lines, and verified fuel pump output into a gas can while cranking it over and it had been running fine beforehand.
I took top off carb and found varnish sloughed off sides.
Even after 25 years, I took carb apart and sprayed out every passage I could access with carb cleaner in both directions...when possible and finally used compressed air as well. I was able to reuse all gaskets.
Ran better than new from my recollection.
I have slept since then.
I agree and have done all the above. My 67 C10 has a new tank 20 yrs ago and a carter/edelbrock carb, i dont drive it much but because of the newer tank it always starts up and performs as it should. Also it sets all winter with a full tank. the carbs are ease to service and I have replaced a couple accelerator pumps and the rubber fuel lines once buts thats all. On my stang i replaced the tank because it was 50+ years old thats a no brainer.
My tank replacement was a no brainer.
When I saw something under my car and the icicle broke off and started leaking gas...at 11:30pm just before going to bed.
Had I thought of it at the time, I should have tried the bar of soap trick to see if it really worked.
I ended up filling up coffee cans at the leak and siphoning the the rest into 5 gallon gas cans. 15-16 gallons took a little while, as well as flipping cold during winter.
Nothing like taking a long hot shower to warm up and still smelling like gas. 😂
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