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Because you guys are all so great I thought I would share my new project. I am reroofing my home and raising the garage roof so I can have a lift. I am starting out with a 8-6' ceiling with trusses and you will see later what I end up with near the end of the month. in this pic I have already removed the gutters and started the foundation work.
Last edited by Cab4word67 (7/10/2020 7:19 PM)
Good for you Chris, you gonna luv it!!
Yes and so will my knees. I blew them (one) out several years ago. More pics to come as I am going down to place my materials list today. Lowes beat out the local lumber yard even with delivery fee.
Saved 10% buying my wood at lowes
Might as well figure in enlarging it, too, so the Honda can fit in.
MS wrote:
Might as well figure in enlarging it, too, so the Honda can fit in.
yea I was thinking that too, got to keep wife happy
Based on the title I was expecting to see a shirtless Russian on a horseback helping...
You'll love it when its done. You'll wonder how you ever got a long without it.
OK no Russian but I did get the other side formed and poured today.
Cab4word67 wrote:
OK no Russian but I did get the other side formed and poured today.
Guys are visual creatures, we need pics
Need LOTSA pics because I am building the "final chapter" house and its gonna have a 3 car garage! Gimme lotsa height measurements and door measurements and ..........everythang else measurements!
I'll be watch'in fer shore.
Are you gonna be leaving the beach Mike???
ok last of the hard work is done, I never liked digging holes just to fill them up with concrete. But it all starts somewhere. My garage will be 22x24 with hand framed vaulted ceilings when done. i am raising the now 8-6" wall height to 9-6" then we go up from there with 2x8 rafters on 16" centers. the center of the ceiling will have to be 12' and change with a 8' flat area to tie the rafters together, then slope down to the 9-6 plate line. the host will be 4' from each end giving me about 11' at the fender ends. Should allow me to put the stang up all the way and walk under it without hitting my head at 6' for storage or safe keeping. More to come soon. Matrials arive Friday-monday
Last edited by Cab4word67 (7/13/2020 10:06 PM)
Update today thursday the 16, started the demo of the old ceiling to make room for the stub wall tie in. got the roofing delivered, still no lumber and haven't heard back from the lab so I can order the dumpster. maybe tomorrow
Last edited by Cab4word67 (7/16/2020 6:21 PM)
Good news the lumber will arrive tuesday and my test came back all good so I get a dumpster tomorrow Sat. I will send in new pics after clean up. barely got the car in tonight but don't like to leave it outside if I don't have too.
This is just a Sunday update of my one man progress so far. The garage ceiling is all down now and I will start stripping the roof of the whole house. I need to get the garage roof off by Thursday night so we can start the new roof. then I will shoot the new measurements specs. I baged all my blow-in insulation for a buddy so he can add it to the inside of his home, there was alot 400 SQ FT 16" deep. What you see in the pic will all be coming out.
Last edited by Cab4word67 (7/19/2020 9:33 PM)
UP date, we have a new roof framed in, now I need to roof the whole house and cut out the old trusses inside.
New messurements to come soon
Last edited by Cab4word67 (7/25/2020 8:46 PM)
I like how you work!!
can't wait!!
Lookin good!
Ok so 2 days of building and we got this far. We put the new WeatherGuard paper down on the back of the house and the garage. By 11 it was just to hot for me. Today and tomarrow are going to be 100 so not much will get done. Would like to get the plywood cut off the inside roof and in the dumpster so it can leave on Tusday. We will see.
Last edited by Cab4word67 (7/26/2020 12:47 PM)
Color me impressed. That's an ambitious project for putting in a lift. And I REALLY would love to have a lift of my own. ONE DAY!
Chris, how to they attach the roof shingles under those tight eaves?
Bearing Bob wrote:
Chris, how to they attach the roof shingles under those tight eaves?
I wondered that too, and the flashing, no room for a nailer or a hammer. Duct tape ???
I suspect you guys are talking about the second pic with the green eve. The tin shingles are only a 1-1/2 back and will still be there when we clean up the edge from the old singles. That is the whole story. The finished height measurements will be coming later today.
OK we are making very good progress today. Here are my numbers that will work for the Mustang and alot of other cars. I wanted to be able to park the car with 73" under the ramps. And this is what I got in the clear.
In the center we have 152", less the lift of 79" leaves us with 63" to the roof lines, thats 10" of clear with my car.
at the front and rear bumpers (4 from the end walls) we have 132", less the 79" leaves us with 53" , Thats 17" of clear with my car at the ends of the fenders. I wont have to worry about the garage door because the new height will only leave 4" of door going up the roof line.
So I started with a ceiling height of 8'-6", now I have 12'-8"
As soon as I get the roof done I will move the door out to its new hole with the high lift kit.
Last edited by Cab4word67 (7/27/2020 5:34 PM)
Lookin' real nice, Chris.
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