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7/29/2020 3:48 PM  #1

Looking for a clutch fork anti rattle clip C6AZ-7562A 1965 289 4 SPD

Hey guys, has anyone got one of these , clutch fork anti rattle springs C6AZ-7562-A  I'm desperate to get I've ordered from 2 different places first 1 back ordered 2nd lost in customs, ill pay what ever I have to, this is just stopping me from putting in transmission

this is a long shot I know but was hoping if someone had one and could post it on to me id pay pay pal e transfer or what ever, waiting 2-3 weeks is killing me normally we could get in 3-5 business days not now
jimmy Osborne
Niagara falls Canada


8/03/2020 5:13 PM  #2

Re: Looking for a clutch fork anti rattle clip C6AZ-7562A 1965 289 4 SPD

Thanks for the replies, vintage mustang forum rocks, apparently you can even post pictures!
maybe i should join the masons! Back in the day this was a decent forum!

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