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10/10/2020 12:16 PM  #1

Looking for 6 bolt 289 and narrow or wide bolt T5 adapter plate

While doing the swap to a T5 I discovered my 66's engine was swapped with a 5 bolt 64 at some point..  I'm not planning on doing anything crazy with it so the 5 bolt would be suitable.  But if someone had a 289 taking up room around their shop I'd be glad to take it off your hands.  Mainly wanting to buy the bell housing adapter plate with the wide bolt pattern to make it more versatile.  Could the wide bolt pattern adapter be drilled to match up with the narrow pattern similar to the top loaders of the day?  I'm in the Austin and Houston TX area all the time so something nearby or in between would be awesome.

Also looking for a narrow or wide T5 adapter plate depending on the price if you have one laying around.


2/28/2021 7:27 PM  #2

Re: Looking for 6 bolt 289 and narrow or wide bolt T5 adapter plate

I have a 65 289, 6 bolt of course, timing chain cover is missing, cast iron 4 bbl intake, took it out of my 64 falcon about 10 years ago. it's been sitting under a bench in a shop. it was running when i took it out but discovered it had anti freeze running down one cly. wall i am assuming it was a head gasket issue.
 if you are interested 432 213 3429

Last edited by val fulesday (2/28/2021 7:29 PM)


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