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12/04/2018 4:54 PM  #1

GT40P heads

Spent some time today at my local LKQ pull a part and came home with a set of these heads..........for $90...

I'll never do that again.....too much crapola to remove just to get to the heads.....ain't worth busted knuckles and a sore one set on the shop shelf awaiting a future project is good enough for me......


12/04/2018 5:17 PM  #2

Re: GT40P heads

Good Job!  It would have to be a very current need to get me to a PNP in these weather conditions.

If you have one of those battery powered impact drivers, those JY trips tend to go a lot quicker.


12/04/2018 6:48 PM  #3

Re: GT40P heads

TimC wrote:

Good Job!  It would have to be a very current need to get me to a PNP in these weather conditions.

If you have one of those battery powered impact drivers, those JY trips tend to go a lot quicker.

  I bought a couple of Dewalt impact drivers and they are nice to used in stead of dragging the air hose around.


12/04/2018 10:00 PM  #4

Re: GT40P heads

TimC wrote:

Good Job!  It would have to be a very current need to get me to a PNP in these weather conditions.

If you have one of those battery powered impact drivers, those JY trips tend to go a lot quicker.

Today was a good day to do 48 hours we're supposed to be hit with freezing rain followed by snow....typically when that happens around here the power lines come down.....and my generator is in Michigan....

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12/07/2018 3:48 PM  #5

Re: GT40P heads

I picked a whole P motor for $280 for a friend. $130, for the engine, $50 core,
and $100 for them to pull it

I'm not a complete idiot.....pieces are missing. Tom

12/07/2018 4:03 PM  #6

Re: GT40P heads

Huskinhano wrote:

I picked a whole P motor for $280 for a friend. $130, for the engine, $50 core,
and $100 for them to pull it

Given the opportunity, I'd do the same thing here.  $100 for their labor is well worth it....

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