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2/21/2021 11:24 PM  #1

347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

So she started well, ran well. Temps came up perfectly . Cooled down . No noises or leaks

Drove her around the block , got up to 50mph, no issues at all!!!!! Very excited and happy

Decided to change oil::

And this

So of course .. freaking out . New engine , newly honed .. built to a 347. I was very careful and slow.
I get the grey is from assembly lube.

I want to believ the random forums saying that this fine fine shiny stuff is normal in first oil change on a newly honed motor with new pistons , ring etc.. I know that could be wishful thinking ...

Lay it on me .. what do I do? Run it with new oil and filter  and check again?

If it aint broke, I have'nt tried to "Fix" it yet!

2/22/2021 7:05 AM  #2

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

There's a reason you change the break in oil in short order.  I say change it, run it, and change it again and see what it looks like the second time around. 


2/22/2021 8:09 AM  #3

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

I've seen worst which is still very normal.


2/22/2021 8:21 AM  #4

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

change oil,  run about 500 miles,,   send  one oz oil to here   

takes all the guessing OUT of the EQUATION   


2/24/2021 10:05 AM  #5

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

Agree with the other posts, run it for a few hundred miles, change oil/filter and see what you get.

65 Fastback, 351W, 5-speed, 4 wheel discs, 9" rear,  R&C Front End.

2/24/2021 2:51 PM  #6

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

Mine looked like this and still runs fine.

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.

2/25/2021 8:04 AM  #7

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

Back in the day I went out and bought one of those fancy filter cutters to make all those inspections easier. Then one day I realized all that did was make me worry more, because every time I justified no panic until the next oil change a few hundred miles later. I can't even find the filter cutter now.


2/25/2021 8:15 AM  #8

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

If you're going to analyze the oil, send it out for oil analysis at a lab.  Blackstone is one the Diesel guys use a lot.  Here's a link to their site:

There are guys running Amsoil that haven't changed their oil in 25,000 miles because the OA is still coming back fine.  If you put a lot of miles on your vehicles this is a great way to be both proactive about maintenance, but also not spend an arm and a leg on oil changes that may be totally unnecessary. 


2/25/2021 8:59 AM  #9

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

There's no way I would send 1st start oil to be analyzed, they'd probably send a note back saying your motor has COVID with all the assembly lube and other material from 1st start. Like everyone else said, change the oil get the motor broke in *then* look at the oil.


2/25/2021 10:16 AM  #10

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

THIS!!!!......Is when its time to start worrying!!!..
Change it! 
If it ain't making a rackit you can start to enjoy it.....and it AIN'T!
Trust ARE gonna hear all sorts of noises(you think!) for a while after a hi-po build like you have. will gain confidence in your work.
HEY!! IF it does tear up will know what to fix and how(because you-built-it!!) 
Looks like good work to me!!!

Last edited by 6sally6 (2/25/2021 10:23 AM)

Get busy Liv'in or get busy Die'n....Host of the 2020 Bash at the Beach/The only Bash that got cancelled  )8

2/25/2021 2:23 PM  #11

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

Raymond_B wrote:

There's no way I would send 1st start oil to be analyzed, they'd probably send a note back saying your motor has COVID with all the assembly lube and other material from 1st start. Like everyone else said, change the oil get the motor broke in *then* look at the oil.

I should have been specific about that, yes, absolutely do not send them oil until you are fully broken in and on to regular oil change intervals. 


2/25/2021 2:25 PM  #12

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

6sally6 wrote:

THIS!!!!......Is when its time to start worrying!!!..
Change it!
If it ain't making a rackit you can start to enjoy it.....and it AIN'T!
Trust ARE gonna hear all sorts of noises(you think!) for a while after a hi-po build like you have. will gain confidence in your work.
HEY!! IF it does tear up will know what to fix and how(because you-built-it!!)
Looks like good work to me!!!

Gotta disagree there.  This is when you realize that noise WAS something to worry about!  See there's your problem right there: you put the sprag in backwards.  Its real easy to see now that its blown up all over the ground. 


2/25/2021 4:13 PM  #13

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

Gaba, all this talk has me concerned about those used roller lifters I gave you. You do realize the 6 month warranty is up, right?

Bob. 69 Mach 1, 393W, SMOD Toploader, Armstrong  steering, factory AC.

2/25/2021 6:58 PM  #14

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

O KAY!!!!!!!!!!.........
When it looks like this!!!.......after that nagging little noise you hear..........THEN you got problems

Get busy Liv'in or get busy Die'n....Host of the 2020 Bash at the Beach/The only Bash that got cancelled  )8

2/25/2021 8:17 PM  #15

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

He is busy counting oily little metal particles.

Money you enjoy wasting is NOT wasted money... unless your wife finds out.

2/25/2021 10:25 PM  #16

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

6sally6 wrote:

O KAY!!!!!!!!!!.........
When it looks like this!!!.......after that nagging little noise you hear..........THEN you got problems

Dan Olson is a hometown legend. No, he didn't build the grenade.

Bob. 69 Mach 1, 393W, SMOD Toploader, Armstrong  steering, factory AC.

2/26/2021 6:21 AM  #17

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

Failure like that usually don't give audible warning.  Catastrophic bottom end failures are almost always detonation related, but its not audible detonation.  Smokey Yunick talked about it in his book on the small block bowtie.  He devoted months to testing using very sensitive devices and determined that most bottom end failures of a cylinder block are the result of detonation.  Most guys chase it thinking its a strength issue, and often solve it by tougher caps, better hardware, etc., but they aren't really addressing the root cause; just making thing stronger so that they manage to live through it. 


2/26/2021 7:40 AM  #18

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

I imagine that "detonation" was caused by Nitomethane


2/26/2021 8:26 AM  #19

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

Some percentage of that fuel was for sure.  The other danger with nitro is that for max power they run on the verge of literally hydrolocking the engine with fuel.  Something goes a little hinky for a microsecond and its catastrophic. 

But hey, 500CID making close to 10,000HP.  Its not rocket fuel because it lacks power!


2/26/2021 3:03 PM  #20

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

I did a sbc once and had the major heavy tractor company do my oil. They said all was good. It was just very dirty for 5K miles. They said run it with fresh oil for 5K more and bring back so we did. We also found while changing the oil that the breather tube was removed and the hole had not been plugged at the rear of the block, just pulling in dirt while running. Next oil change proved motor was fine. 

Slammed Big Blue, ran over the varmints that messed with the Stang. Now all is good in the NW

2/26/2021 5:52 PM  #21

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

6sally6 wrote:

THIS!!!!......Is when its time to start worrying!!!..
Change it!
If it ain't making a rackit you can start to enjoy it.....and it AIN'T!
Trust ARE gonna hear all sorts of noises(you think!) for a while after a hi-po build like you have. will gain confidence in your work.
HEY!! IF it does tear up will know what to fix and how(because you-built-it!!)
Looks like good work to me!!!

That blowed up. That blowed up real good. :-)

68 coupe - 351W, 4R70W, 9" 3.25 -- 65 convertible - 289 4v, C4, 8" 3.00

2/26/2021 5:54 PM  #22

Re: 347’s first real long run up... but ... HELP!

Bearing Bob wrote:

6sally6 wrote:

O KAY!!!!!!!!!!.........
When it looks like this!!!.......after that nagging little noise you hear..........THEN you got problems

Dan Olson is a hometown legend. No, he didn't build the grenade.

 Damned aluminum blocks. Just can't handle the rpms. Musta been made in Chinna.

68 coupe - 351W, 4R70W, 9" 3.25 -- 65 convertible - 289 4v, C4, 8" 3.00

Board footera

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